Movies and lightning

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Year: summer between 5th and 6th
House: probably Slytherin but you can change it if you want
Blood: most likely pure blood but again you can change it if you like
Base plot: you are stopping at the Malfoy manor for a few weeks whilst your parents are away and tonight you and Draco decide to watch some movies.


"Right I'm going to get us some popcorn" you said as Draco was looking through his DVD collection looking for something for you to watch. "Alright I get us a blanket and set up the movie" he replied with a smile.

Your movie nights with Draco were always fun and it was a time where the two of you could just relax together and just be yourselves and be comfortable.

Ever since you started dating in second year you and Draco had movie nights together, you found that it was perfect time for cuddling.

"Babe hurry up" Draco calls from the living room as you grab a bowl of popcorn. "I'm coming!" You reply: you waltz in to see the opening of  (horror film)

"Oh Merlin not a horror movie" you squeak as Draco cracks a smirk. "Aww it's okay love I'll protect you" he said with a smooth voice hooking his arm around your waist as you sat down.

A few minutes into the movie you found yourself creeping closer and closer to Draco's side, clutching to his arm. He seemed to notice this behavior as he opened his arms signaling you to sit on his lap so he could hold you.

"Scared already?" He chuckled. "Yes" he started to laugh. "Hey! Don't laugh at me it's very scary" you scrunched your nose at him as he looked at you.

"Well I'm not going to let anything happen to you okay" he said rubbing circles of your skin exposed on your legs .

Suddenly there was the first jumpscare and of course you were scared out of your mind. "AHHHHHHH" you screamed and turned your head into Draco's chest. He didn't even flinch.

He just chuckled. "How are you not bloody petrified" you ask confused. "It's not that scary baby" he replied.

"Okay Mr I'm brave AF!" He chuckled again as you settled back down to watch the rest of the movie.

After that there were a few more jump scares and as expected you squealed at every one whilst Draco didn't budge.

Finally the movie ended the soft snores of your boyfriend were mixed in with the credits. "Baby" you whispered softly as Draco's eyes batted open. "The movies over Dray" you said.

"Sorry love I must of dozed off" he chuckled lightly. "you look exhausted, come on let's get to bed" you said with nerves weaved into your voice.

"What's wrong my love, you sound a bit scared?" He asked arching for your hand. "I'm scared of the dark and that movies stuck in my head" you looked down a little embarrassed.

Draco used his wand as switched on the table lamp. "See nothing to be scared of, I'll protect you" he placed his arm around your waist as you walked to his bedroom.

Draco took out one of his shirts for you you as he peeled off his clothes until he was just on a pot of grey boxers. You put his oversized shirt on and as you were about to get into bed next to him a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky.

"Ahhhh" you screamed as you frantically jumped under the covers of the bed. "Baby it's okay it's just thunder and lightning. Did the movie scare you that much?" He asks bringing you into his chest.

"Y-y-yes" you Croaked up. As he planted a kiss on your forehead. "Goodnight beautiful, I'm right here okay" Draco said soothingly as you snuggled into him. "Goodnight Dray".

A few hours had past and the thunder had started up again. "Dray" you tapped his shoulder lightly. "What's the matter Princess" he asked.

"I'm sorry I woke you I'm scared" you said. "No don't be sorry Princess, how about I take your mind off things?" A smirk crawled up his face.

"T-take my m-mind off-." Before you could finish his lips were against yours and the weight of his body protected you from the world. His kisses trailed down your body lower and lower......................
(Y'all can imagine what happened next)

The next morning you woke up in the arms of your boyfriend resting comfortably across your stomach. You crept out of bed towards the bathroom but you felt rather cold. "Lovely view your giving me y/n" Draco's voice crackled seductively looking at your unclothed body.

"Draco!" You scrambled back to bed under the covers. He chuckled cuddling up to you. "Still scared Princess?" He asked placing a loving kiss on your lips. "No you took my mind right off it" you giggled.

"You should be scared more often" he smirked. "Maybe I will be" you smile at him still cuddling into his chest.

"I love you y/n"
"I love you too Dray"

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