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Year: Sumer between 6 and 7 without the war
House: Slytherin
Blood: your choice
Plot base: you are babysitting your little sister and your boy Draco comes to help you.
"Oh come on she's a little brat when your not here!" You say In an irritating tone. "Oh for goodness sake y/n she's 5 years old pull yourself together" you leave mother rolls her eyes.

"Fine but if she puts a toe out of line I refuse to babysit her again!" You stomp off into your bedroom and sit down at your desk facing the window.

Your bedroom was a beautiful emerald green theme with plants and dark wood. You pulled out your muggle iPhone and began to type a text message.

Hey dray I'm babysitting s/n again would you mind coming over to help? Xx

Yeah I'll be there in ten darling xx

Thank you baby xx

Anything for you my Princess xx

He really was the sweetest boy you had ever met despite his cold stone exterior. You had been together since second year and ever since then Draco treated you nothing less than royalty.

"Y/N WE ARE LEAVING!" Your dad called to you up the stairs. Rolling your eyes you went down stairs to wave your parents off.

"Bye y/n" "bye my sweet little angel" your dad said as your little sister grew a cheeky grin. You locked the door and headed to the living room.

"Y/n can I play on your phone?" Your sister said.
"I'll be good I pwomise" she pleaded giving you puppy dog eyes which she knew you couldn't refuse.
"Okay then you can play" you replied taking a seat on the sofa.

Around five minutes later *knock knock* you opened the door to reveal your handsome boyfriend Draco stood in the doorway.

"Draco!"You flung your arms around your boyfriend pulling him inside your home. "Hi darling"  he said, his voice smooth.

He was about to place a kiss on your lips but "DRAKIEE" your sister yelled jumping into the arms of your boyfriend. "Hello cutie" you roll your eyes as your sister steals your boyfriend.

Draco's carries her into the living room and tickles her mercilessly. "Ahhhh y/n help me" she laughs. "Nope" you laugh at her and Draco who's laughing along with you.

Suddenly the laughing stops and both Draco and your sister turn to you. "Oh hell no!" You shout as the two start tickling you . "Ahhhhhh help me" you cry out as the two laugh uncontrollably.

"Pile on!!" You sister yells and you jump on top of Draco and your sister on top of you. "We better be like this later love" Draco growls in your ear causing you to blush. "Definitely" you reply.

"I know let's play house! Y/n you are the mommy, drakie you are the daddy and I'm the really cute baby" she giggles. "Do we have to?" You sigh.

"Come on doll it will be fun besides you know that I'm daddy" Draco says whispering the last part.
"Okay then" you reply flustered

"Yay!" Your sister runs up to her bedroom as you and Draco follow behind.

Draco and s/n were sat at a little table whilst you were in your sisters 'kitchen' making breakfast.
"Here's your...breakfast" you say.
"Well aren't you going to kiss daddy goodMorning?" Says you sister and Draco's eyebrows raise. "Yeah aren't you gonna give daddy a kiss honeybun"

"Oh alright" you lean over to Draco and give him a little peck on the lips. Your sister was giggling clapping her hands.

"I can't wait for you to be my wife mrs Malfoy" Draco smiled at you as you blushed once more. He then turned to your sister "and I can't wait for you to be my sister in law".

This made your heart melt. "Well I can't wait for you to be my husband" you respond.

"We are back!" Your mother calls from downstairs. "Mommy" your sister dashed out of her room and down the stairs followed by you and Draco.

"How Is my little bug" said your dad hugging your sister. "I had fun daddy and me, Draco and y/n played house and had a tickle fight" she laughed.

"Ah Draco my boy how are you?" Asked your father. "I'm well thanks dad" he replied causing you to blush like a tomato.

Later on you and Draco were lying in bed as he decided to stay over the night instead of returning to the manor. " I can't wait to have children with you Dray" you sigh looking into the eyes of your boyfriend. "You will be an amazing mother and an amazing wife" Draco replied as you smiled. "So fancy giving daddy a goodnight kiss" he said seductively in your ear.

" hmmm I'll consider it" you reply placing yourself on top of him. His hands held your face and his lips grazed against yours.

"You know you want to" he says.
"Yes I do" you reply placing your lips onto his.

This didn't turn out how I expected so apologies for that 😂

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