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House: your choice
Blood: your choice
Year: 5
It was a sunny Saturday morning at Hogwarts. Rays of the morning sunshine beamed in through the gaps in the curtain, hitting y/n face. She was sleeping peacefully as there was no classes today.

A few moments later Draco, your boyfriend, walked into the room quietly. He glided over to the bed and looked at you.

Draco's POV
"Merlin she's like an angel" I though as the sun was hitting y/n. She looks angelic sleeping there, truly beautiful.

I came to ask her to come to Hogsmead with me today so I can take her to honey-dukes and the three broomsticks. Y/n loves outer trips to Hogsmead as it have become our little tradition to buy chocolate frogs, grab two butter beers and then come back and cuddle for the rest of the day.

I love to cuddle with y/n although I'd never admitting to someone else. I find that I'm always relaxed when I'm with her, I'm more free and layed back.

She really is the light to my darkness and actually I truly don't think I could live without her

"Didn't you know it's rude to stare?" Y/n chuckled, Merlin I love her laugh. "Sorry darling just admiring the view" I smirked.

Story POV

"How long have you been stood there baby?" Y/n asked opening the covers of her bed allowing Draco to crawl in next to her. "Long enough to admire your beauty" he rested his face in the crook of your neck.

It was days like these that you loved the most as you and Draco got to spend quality time together.

"I was gonna ask if you want to go to Hogsmead love?" Y/n smiled at Draco as she knew that meant chocolate frogs, butter beer and cuddles. "Yes I'll get ready in a minute then we can go"

Draco planted a soft and sweet kiss on y/n rosy red lips. You rolled out of bed as Draco watched your every move. "I'll be waiting in the courtyard munchkin" he kisses you cheek and exits.

You went over to your black wooden draws and pulled out some underwear, jeans and a jumper. The jeans were a simple pair of ripped skinny jeans that you wore with One of Draco's green jumpers.

You styled the look with a silver necklace, a Y/H ring and a pair of black boots. Although it was sunny the winter breeze was bitter so you put a black coat over the top with your hat.

You also hoped that the coat would cover Draco's jumper as you keep stealing them from him. Often he asks you if you have seen them not knowing you have them in a draw. You have about 4 of them stored in your draw.

After you finished tying your boots you skipped merrily to the courtyard where Draco was waiting for you like he said. "Well aren't you a pretty sight" he smirked as your cheeks coloured pink.

"Come on ferret boy or else I'll turn to putty with your charm" you laughed as he holds his hand out for you to take. As you walked, you talked.

You and Draco rarely ran out of things to talk about, constantly blaming about school or your parents or anything interesting that either of you had experienced. "Oh yeah y/n I was meant to ask, have I left any on my jumpers in your dorm as I can only find 6 of them?" Your face went red, uh oh.

"I-I erm n-no I erm no idea babe" you tried to cover the lies with your voice but Draco knew you better than that. "Oh really? Funny that as I recall the last person to wear my green jumper was you princess?"

He pressed you up agains the wall and his cocky smirk appeared on his face as your face turned even more red. "I-I erm h-have no I-idea a-about that jumper" you replied flustered.

His face crept closer and closer to yours as his hands where on the wall either side of your face. He pressed his lips to yours as your hands shot up to his hair and neck. Then he pulled away.

"Has my princess been stealing?"
"Um no... maybe.... yes" you giggled as he pressed another kiss on your lips.

"Jeeze darling first my heart, then my jumpers what's next my last name?" He said with a big flirty smirk slapped on his handsome face. "I-I erm" you pulled him into a passionate kiss.

"Yeah I'm going for the last name next" you raised your eyebrows and he laughed. "You can have it with pleasure love"

The two of you carried on the Hogsmead hand in hand and very happy.

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