The big day

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Year: 5 years after the battle of Hogwarts you and       Draco are 22
House: irrelevant but probably Slytherin
Blood-type: irrelevant but you can choose


Tomorrow was the big day, your wedding day. The day you would become Mrs Malfoy, the day you would become the wife of the love of your life.

You had been engaged now since the end of the Battle of Hogwarts and both you and Draco now felt that this was the right time for you to finally tie the not.

Draco's proposed as his parents tried convince him to come back to Voldemort's side.

"Come, Draco. Come and join me" Voldemort hissed as his eyes darted towards you and Draco. Draco was holding your hand very tightly as a tear threatened to leave his eye.

"COME NOW DRACO" Lucius said angrily pointing his wand towards his son. Draco didn't budge.
"Draco. Come." His mother said softly holding her hands out towards her son.

"Baby it's okay, if you have to go then go with your parents." You said holding onto his side as he stared at his parents.


Everyone on the grounds stopped and stared at Draco. His eyes were now black with anger and hatred. "What did you say!" Lucius hissed.

"I said no! I have had enough of this absolute nonsense. I don't care what you want me to do anymore because I'm not doing it. I'm doing what I want which is this." Draco yelled as he quickly turned around and got down on one knee I front of you.

The crowd went completely silent and even moldy voldy looked shocked.

"Y/n I love you more than anything in this Entire world and I would give up absolutely anything to be with you. From the first moment I laid my eyes on you I was in love. Everyday you make me a better man and everyday I'm beyond thankful to be your boyfriend. I want to be with you for the rest of our lives and beyond y/n. So y/n, my love, my princess, my whole world and heaven on earth will you marry me?"

Draco pulled out a black satin and silk box which held a beautiful diamond ring. Tears were rolling down your cheeks gleaming in the low sun.

"Yes Draco yes!!" You yelled and everyone cheered well all but moldy voldy and his clan. He placed the ring on your finger but not before showing you the engraving that said " forever and always my love ~ Draco xx"

Then of course after that saint Potter came back from the dead Voldemort got turned to dust and then it was over. Hogwarts took a year to rebuild but with everyone working together it was restored to its former glory.

You were currently lying yours and Draco's shared bedroom tossing and turning with wedding day nerves. Draco was in a guest bedroom down the hall as you two couldn't see each other until the alter.

Suddenly your heard a ping and saw the light from your phone. (You convinced Draco to get an iPhone so you two could text and call without owls)

You picked up the phone and saw that the notification was from your fiancé Draco who was just  a hallway away.

Draco ❤️:
I miss being next to you darling

I miss being next to you too, can't sleep!

Draco ❤️:
Some of that is nerves love but at least by tomorrow night you will be my wife and we will never have to sleep separately again.

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