Mr ferret

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———— in your fourth year at Hogwarts —————
It was a cool-ish autumn afternoon at Hogwarts and y/n was sitting quietly under a tree next to the black lake swallowed deep into the pages of a muggle book.

It was what the muggles called a romance novel and they all seemed to quite like it so y/n asked her mother to send her one for something to do.

It's always quite quiet at Hogwarts in the autumn, no Sumer buzz it's just calm. It's peaceful sometimes and y/n found that she could get loads in her thoughts.

See there was this one boy she couldn't get out of her head, the platinum haired boy. Y/n enjoyed reading the romantic novels as she picture herself in them with the boy who had her heart.

He was the Slytherin prince. Everyone knew who he was, there wasn't a soul at Hogwarts that didn't know his name. Draco, Draco Malfoy. Y/n often felt that she would never have the opportunity to be with him mostly because of his picky opinion on everything and everyone.

"Oh how I wish I could tell him how I felt" y/n let out a rather large sigh as a little white fluffy ferret crawled onto her lap. "Well hello there cutie" she smiled down at the ferret who looked frightened

"You look terrified! Let me take you back to my room so I can take care of you" the ferret scrambled up closer to you as Blaise, pugface, crab and goyle walked past.

You found it rather strange that Draco wasn't with them, he normally was.

"I don't really like then either Mr ferret but come on let's head back" you placed the little ferret in you pocket of your robe as you carefully went back to the Slytherin common room

Once you got into your room (it was private as you were a Slytherin prefect) you took the ferret out of your pocket and put him on the bed.

"Right I'm going to get some food and I'll bring some your you okay mr ferret" you pet him and gave him a kiss on the head, you could've sworn you saw him frown but you continued to the great hall.

You searched the Slytherin table hoping to get a quick glance at Draco but he wasn't there. "Hmm I wonder where Draco is" you thought to yourself.

You grabbed a plate of food for you and the ferret and took it back to your room still concerned about Draco.

"Mr ferret I'm back" the white ferret immediately came to the edge of your bed to meet you. You picked him up gentle and petted him.

"Right what do you want to eat" you say smiling and the white creature. You watched as the ferret observed the food in front of him until he spotted something.

He put his paw on the fruit and looked up at you as if to say 'I want this'.

Draco's POV

"Oh my god she's actually taking care of me! My crush is taking care of Me and I get to be with her!

Wowzer this is the best thing to ever happen to me"

Story POV

"Green apple? You remind me of my crush" you cut up a piece of the green apple and gave it to the ferret. "You know what Mr Ferret I'm going to tell you a secret that not even my best friend knows" the ferret comes closer to you holding the apple in his mouth.

"There's this boy, his hair is just like your fur and he also likes green apples. I have a massive crush on him, I have since first year but I don't know how to tell him." You sighed and the ferret put his paw on your hand and began to climb to sit on your pillow next to your face.

"His name is Draco and wow he's just....just.... perfect but he would never like me I'm just ugly and messy and just a tragedy. I'm in love with him Mr ferret " the ferret started to lick your face as though he was giving you a kiss.

Draco POV

" no y/n why would you think that? I love you"

Story POV

"Awh thank you mr ferret that is very cute and sweet" you petted him softly and he snuggled up next to you. "Well time to get ready for bed mr ferret"

Draco POV

"Oh no she's getting undressed! I should look away shouldn't I? Yes Draco come on you are a respectable person and yo- Holy mother of Merlin that girl is hot!"

Story POV

After you had changed you got into bed and out your arm around the ferret. "Goodnight mr ferret"

The next morning you woke up with the sunshine beaming in through the gap in the curtains. You graph and file over to find someone lay next to you

"What are you doing in my bed!" The boy shoots up and turns to face you with a confused look until he looks down at his body.

"Oh my good I'm not a ferret anymore" he smiles and your jaw drops. Your crush was the ferret that saw you get undressed and licked your face and heard you talking about him!!!!!!!!

"Oh I-I hi Draco" you say shyly
"Don't be embarrassed love, I'm in love with you too and I think you are damn hot!" He winks at you causing your heart to flutter.

———————— back to the present ———————

"And that scorp is how your dad and I became a couple" you told your three year olds son who always a replica of Draco himself

"What are my two favorite people doing" Draco walks in and kisses your cheek

"Hi mr ferret!" Scorpius giggles and Draco darts his eyes to you. "Hey I thought we were not bringing up the ferret thing!"

"Well he asked how we became a thing so I told him dray" you give your husband a kiss on the lips and a cheeky grin

You both start to laugh happy and content with your family..........

1028 words 💕thanks for reading so far

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