"I want you to meet them"

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Thank you to @__winter_01 for this idea. This ones for you ~ happy reading 💚🐍

Year:6 (let's just ignore moldy voldy shal we)
House: Slytherin 🐍
Plot: it's about time your boyfriend of 3 years met your parents and of course they will approve...... right?

18th may 1996~
"Y/n babe, what on merlins beard are you doing I've been waiting for half an hour?" Your boyfriend called from the bottom of the girls dorm stairway. It was a Saturday's Hogwarts which meant only one thing..... Hogsmead date!

"Oh hush I haven't taken that long draco" you responded laughing lightly at your boyfriend who was now draped over the black leather sofa in the Slytherin common room.

"Right come on you or else we won't get to bloody hogsmead" he chuckled taking your hand and strolling out of the common room.

You and Draco had been together for three years now, three amazing years. Draco is the type of man you dream about when your young, like a knight in shinning armor in the stories of princesses.

However not once had he met your parents. You very much value your parents opinions and having their approval of Draco would be the most wonderful thing and not to mention a weight off your shoulders.

You often went to Malfoy manor in the holidays so you met Draco's parents a while ago. Narcissa is such a wonderful mother to Draco, she's caring and very gentle natured. She always makes you feel welcomed. Lucius is a different kettle of fish but you were working on breaking down his walls.

Your parents of course knew about Draco, but they knew only what you told them about how he treated you and how you love him.

Flash back...............
"Y/n honey how was autumn term?" Your mother asked as your father collected your trunk from the carriage outside.

"It was great but mom I have news" you say starting to look a little nervous. The colour had suddenly drained from your skin as thoughts began to dart through your mind 'what if they don't want me to have a boyfriend' 'maybe they will think I'm too young?"

"What is it y/n?" Your dad asked as he joined you and your mom in the kitchen around the table. "I erm." You pause for a moment as your parents look at you, intrigued by what you might say.

"I have a boyfriend" you blurt out and for a moment there is silence and it was pretty much impossible to gage the reaction from your parents.

"Oh that's lovely honey, what's his name?" Your mother asked smiling at your sweetly. 'Few they aren't mad'

"His name is Draco... Draco Malfoy" you responded which earns a puzzled look from your dad who seems deep in thought. "Isn't that Lucius and narsissas boy?" He questioned.

"Yes that's him, he's honestly the most wonderful person" you say to which your mother smiles and your father nods which you assumed was some sort of nod of approval.

Back to present..........

Your fingers were gently laced in between those of Draco's, his thumb gently gliding across the top of yours.... Comfort..... safety...... loving.

The skin of his hand was smooth but quite cool to the touch. His finger tips were like soft little pillows...cute.

"Draco I want to ask you something" you say turning your head in his direction as you walked. "What is it darling, you know you can ask me anything?" He responded, curious of what you had to say.

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