Cozy days

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Checked/edited 23/01/24
Year 5
House slytherin

Warm rays of the morning sun flew into the window and glazed y/n's face. You started to stir as your eyes batted open taking in the light.

You rolled over to see a platinum haired boy lay cozily next to you with an arm snuggly around your waist. You had been with your boyfriend Draco for just over a year now and it had become your weekend tradition to spend weekends with each other.

You rolled over to look at draco, his soft, pale skin glowing in the sunlight. You just stopped there looking down at him, admiring the handsome man lay beside you. He really was something special.

"Draco" you called out softly and he began to move a little. " baby" you whisper into his ear as you lightly run your fingers through his blonde hair. You press your lips to his forehead giving him a light and loving kiss.

"Good morning darling" he spoke with his sleepy voice.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" you chuckle lightly at the statement. He pulls you down into a loving embrace "hey I need my beauty sleep!" He says as he flashes his famous smirk. " yes yes I know you need your beauty sleep darling, I mean at least it could help with the ugliness" you cackled as he raises his eyebrows. "Me, ugly? I think you are confused darling. I was born sexy" you both burst out laughing and the laughter tears began to stream down your face making you both laugh even more.

After you had both calmed down you wanted to ask Draco what the plan was for today "dracoooooooo?" You draw out as he looks down at you "yes babe" he smiles. "What do you want to do today?" You ask smiling back at him.

"Well why don't we have a cozy day!" He kisses your forehead as he says it. "So cuddles, kisses, hot chocolate and eating?" You giggle at the thought. " yes all of that!" You both lean in for a kiss.

When you pull apart Draco's eyes lock with yours and you realize your stick there unable to move. This was not lust it was... love. "Y/n  I love you" your face lit up with excitement and happiness. Draco Malfoy, thee Draco Malfoy just told you that he loves you!

"I love you too Draco" his face also lights up as he kisses your lips with passion. "This is going to be the best cozy day ever!" Draco smiles............

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