The masquerade ball

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I am gonna write a story for the Yule ball but I thought I would do this first so enjoy!!!!
Year: 5 (no unbridge)
House: Slytherin
Blood: your choice
It was your fifth year at Hogwarts already and the masquerade ball was on approach, it was only a mere week away and you still didn't have a date.

"Hey y/n!" You turned around to see your best friend b/f/n merrily skipping towards you. "Hey b/f/n" you replied with a smile.

"You will never guess what happened! Dean Thomas asked me on a date!" She squealed seeming very happy with her date. "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you" you have her a hug and couldn't help but feel sad that no one asked you.

"Have you got a date y/n?" Your face dropped but you instantly fixed a smile on your face to mask (ha get it, it's a masquerade ball- sorry that's very bad:))
"Not yet but I'll find one" you replied confidently.

"Okay y/n but if you don't you can always tag along with me and dean" she giggled as she said his name causing you to mentally roll your eyes. "Thanks b/f/n, I'll see you later alright?" "Bye y/n!" She skips off giggling.

Everyone had a date! Even bloody crabbe had a date so why was it that you couldn't get one. Lost in thought you went back to the Slytherin common room to be in peace and get a jump on the potions essay due next week.

You found that as you wrote the thought of the ball disappeared as a bubble formed around you. You payed no attention to the people walking in or out of the common room nor did you hear what they said.

After about two hours of writing professor snapes position essay you decided to call it quits and head off to bed. When you entered your dorm room you changed and drifted off to sleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.

The next morning at breakfast it was time for the morning post. An owl you don't recognize swoops in and drops a fairly large package in front of you. "Woah y/n! Who sent you that?" B/f/n asks as your eyes widen.

"It doesn't say, let me open it and see if there's a kit or something?" You reply starting to peel at the wrapping. Inside there was a beautiful emerald green dress with a emerald and black velvet choker.

There was also a black mask with green jewels creating an elegant pattern on the velvet mask.

"Y/n that's stunning!" Your friend pansy turns to you . Under the dress is a note on a piece of parchment

I hope you like the dress and choker, I saw them and I thought you would look stunning in them. I want to take you to the masquerade ball but didn't know how to ask so I will match my suit with the dress and I will come and find you at the ball.

See you then ~ secret admirer xx

"Ooooo y/n has a secret admirer!" B/f/n shouts as you blush with a little smile.

~ The night of the ball ~
The beautiful green dress hugged your curves perfectly and you styled your hair in an updo with curls. "B/f/n I'm kinda nervous" you mumble looking at yourself in the mirror.

"Don't be y/n whoever this is clearly likes you and you look absolutely divine in that dress!" She said standing next to you in the mirror. "Thank you, now go find your date and I'll be down shortly" you smile at her as she placed her mask on her face. "See you in a little bit y/n" she says as she exits the room.

"Merlin I'm so nervous" you thought as you shut your dorm room door behind you to leave the common room.

Moments later you were at the top of the descending staircase that lead into the area that the ball was being held.

Everyone in the room stopped to look at you when suddenly a tall platinum haired boy approached you and waited at the bottom of the stairs.

"You look absolutely breath taking y/n" he said looking into your eyes.

"Draco is that you?" You said as he took your hand and lead you to the dance floor. He placed his hands on your waist. "Yes it's me darling"

"Darling?" You question and his face is closer to yours and placed a soft kiss on your lips. "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He asked as he swayed to the music with you.

"Yes" you reply softly with a blush

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