Details from movies and lightning

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Lots of you have requested this so here goes 😂
Also thank you for 9K reads I'm utterly shocked and I'll be doing a person reveal when we get to 10k 💕

Also don't read if your under 15! And if you do I can't stop you but I'd advise against it. It's not too graphic but still you have been warned!

It's not going to be too long as I've never written like this so bare with me 😂

His soft kisses trailed down your body inching closer to where you wanted him most. "Dray stop playing with me" you moan out as his finger traces down the curves of your exposed body.

"I like to play with my food" he smirks his eyes latched onto yours. Shivers ran frantically down your spine as his cold rings brushed over your skin.

"What do you want baby girl" his voice is hoarse and rough as he continues to plant kisses on your stomach. "I-I want you" you say quietly.

"What was that you said" his eyes dart down and he sticks two fingers in. "I want you!" You moan out as your hands reach for his hair.

"Awh does my Princess want some" he asks aligning himself with your entrance. "Yes" you say as he hovers over you. "What's the magic word" his tip brushes along your thighs.

"Please!!Draco please" you beg as he slams himself inside of you. Moan after moan escaped your lips. "You like that? You like when I fuck you like this" he whispers in your ears as he holds your hands above your head.

"Y-yes yes yes!" You reply as your hips buck upwards desperate for more fingers. "No no that's my job" his finger slithers down to your clit tracing figures of 8.

He lets your hands loose and your arms wrap around his muscular back as he thrusts into you. "Oh Dray-I'm gonna-" you try to speak but can't. "I know baby girl me too" he replies as his thrusts get slower and sloppier.

Suddenly a warm feeling washes your insides and Draco collapses down on top of you.

"That was"


He holds you close to him placing loving kisses all over your face. "Darling?" Draco asks as you blush. "Yes Dray ?" You reply kissing his jaw. "I can't wait to marry you some day. I love you more than anything in this world"

Your cheeks heat up. "I can't wait to marry you Dray, I love you more than I'm able to express"

"Sleep tight my love" he places a soft kiss on your lips as you snuggle into his chest. "Goodnight handsome"


Okay so I'm sorry if it's not the best it's my first time writing this 😂

Anyway there will be more to come so fasten your seat belts!

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