How will i know

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^ how will I know from the walking on sunshine soundtrack ^

Year: 5
House: any but Slytherin makes sense
Blood type: again any but pure blood makes sense

Y/n diary POV
Dear diary,
Platinum blond hair, beautiful blue eyes, skin pale like the cool winter snow. I bet you know who I'm talking about. We hung out together by the black lake today and I had butterflies the entire time!

I know he's my best friend but wow I'm so in love with him, I just can't get him out of my head. Every time he walks his robe flys behind him and oh my god it makes him even hotter than he already is!!!!!! If only he though of me the way I though of him but then again why would someone like Draco go for a mediocre girl like me.

I must sound crazy to be in love with my best friend but he's just... different in the best way. So sweet and kind and just amazing.

I guess I'll just have to keep dreaming. Until next time - y/n

Draco's diary POV
Dear diary,
I was with her again today. Gosh I love her smile so damn much and her laugh is just the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Y/n and I have been friends since before first year and I guess I never though it would change. That is until 4th year and I just slowly started to fall for her. I know shocking right? Me in love.

She doesn't feel the same I'm sure so I guess I just have to just carry on- Draco

Author POV

You had written an entry in your diary when suddenly your owl brings you a letter from your parents that read:

Dear y/n,
We are going away for Christmas to see your older brother. we have organized for you to stay at Malfoy manor with Draco for two weeks like you have done in the past. We hope you have had a good term at school and we will see you before you go back to school.

Love mom and dad

"Oh my god I'm staying with Draco!" You though. You were staying with your best friend and crush for 2 whole weeks! You were worried about him finding out and worse, loosing him forever.

You were wandering around the halls lost in your thoughts when you caught sight of your best friend Luna. "Hey Luna wait up!"

She turned to you and smiled. "Hey y/n! How did it go with Draco" you blushed when she said his name. "I just fall for him more everyday, he's my best friend Luna It's not right and now I'm going to stay with him for Christmas " you sigh

"Y/n he probably feels the same about you! I've seen the way he looks at you and so has everyone else" you smiled "but how will I know"

"Maybe try talking to him I mean you will have him to yourself all Christmas" you stoped walking and she turned to you. "Luna have you lost your mind I can't tell him!" You yelled.

"Tell who what?" The platinum haired boy looked at you smiling. "Oh d-Draco I didn't see you there" you blushed and your focus went to the floor

"Are you okay y/n?" He asked and before you could speak. "Y/n I just remembered I have urm some stuff- yeah stuff to do so I'll see you after the holidays!" She dashed off before you could speak.

You rolled your eyes then looked up at Draco.
"So I assume you know you are staying at the manor this Christmas?" He smiled

"Yes I just had the letter earlier. It will be like old times" you giggled at the thought of your old memories together. He placed his arm around your shoulder as you continued to walk.

"Two weeks of just us hanging out. It will be great" he smiles at you. "Yes it will"

After you said your final goodbyes for Christmas you headed with Draco to Malfoy manor. You always loved going to the manor as it was such a lovely place with the gardens and the grande staircases.

When you arrived you went straight up to the large black door and knocked. "Y/n dear how lovely to see you!" Narcissa took you into a loving hug. "Narcissa it's been to long!" You hug back

"Come on in y/n" she smiles as Draco rolls his eyes holding both of your trunks. "Yeah lovely to see you too mom" y/n and Narcissa laugh as she hugs her son.

"Lucius is in the dinning room, lunch is waiting for you" Narcissa smiled as you and Draco headed to the dinning room.

"Ahh y/n, Draco how was school?" Lucius said in his usual tone. "It was good thank you" you smiled. "Yeah it was alright father, same old Hogwarts" Draco responded.

"Sit down you two let's eat" Narcissa said smiling at you.

"So Draco have you found a suitable wife?" Lucius asked looking at you as Draco blushed. "Nows not the time dad!" Draco was embarrassed and there was an awkward silence the rest of lunch.

~~~~~~~~~~~Later after lunch~~~~~~~~~~

"So y/n what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Draco asked looking at you. "What about a walk in the snow. We used to do that when we were younger." You smiled

"Sure y/n. I'll grab the coats and you get the shoes" after you wrap up warm you walk out into the Acres of land behind the manor. Acres of beautiful gardens sprinkled with snow surrounded you.

You look around in awe. "It's exact how I remember it!" You smile and Draco watches. Suddenly you felt a soft snow ball hit the back of your coat.

"Oh that's how you wanna play huh!" He bursts out laughing at your statement. "Come get me L/n!" He said as he started to run around the gardens.

"Come back here ferret boy!" You chase after him throwing snow ball after snow ball.

Narcissas POV

I could hear the sound of laughter which was a wonderful sound to hear in this big manor. Draco never really laughs but with y/n he comes alive and he's happy.

I took a peep through the window to see my son smiling and laughing. A sight that I love to see.
"they are in love" I smiled happy for my son.

"If only he would just tell her. Maybe I should talk to her" the idea popped into my mind. Maybe I should
Talk to y/n. When Draco is distracted I'll make my move. I know love when I see it...................

..............................To be continued..............................

This was 1136 words long! Part 2 will be out in the next few days! Hope you are enjoying these so far! 💕

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