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Hello lovely readers! Im sorry, I know its been a while but I'm back meaning its time for a new imagine....finally. Thank you for over 100k reads I'm so greatful to every one of you. I hope you enjoy this imagine 💕

Word count: 2600
Year : 6
House: Slytherin
Plot: you are late to your potions class earning yet another detention from professor snape. Joining you in detention is no other than Draco malfoy. Your task is to clean up after the third years prior day brewing........... i wonder what they were brewing?

My day started as it usually would. Be rudely awoken by my fellow slytherins heading for breakfast in the great hall. I am defiantly in the house with the biggest eaters apart from Ron Weasley of course who's in griffindor our 'rival' house. Though its more about the students disliking each other for silly little reasons such as blood status and stupidity like that. In my opinion as long as your a nice person then it doesn't matter, ill be friends with anyone as long as they are nice to me too.

"Y/n!" Y/f/n yells waving her hand frantically in ground of your face. Once again you had zoned out, the world around you seeming a little non-existent, well until your best friend pulled you back into reality. "Huh?" Puzzled you turn to face y/f/n to see her getting up from the table in a hurry.

"Come on we are gonna be late to potions and shape already isn't our biggest fan!" She yanked on my arm as the realisation of needing to move hit and i grasped my books off the table. " we can't be late again i don't want another detention!" Y/f/n and i travelled down the corridors as quickly as we could until we reached potions class with everyone's favourite.... Professor shape.

Professor snape was a very blunt man, he either liked your he didn't and he would make it very clear which of the two it was. Even though I'm in Slytherin I wasn't exactly snapes favourite student, i never did anything to give he cause for disliking me i guess I'm just one of those students he's not the biggest fan of.

"Miss L/N would you care to explain why you are late again?" Professor snapes voice boomed as i entered his class room, i quickly checked my watch. 9:01 dang it. Now you may be thinking that its only a minute and hat surely can get a pass but oh no. Your late by even five seconds and its detention time especially if your like me and are one of the least favourites in the class.

"Im so sorry professor it was an accident really it wont happen again!" I responded quickly scrambling to my desk placing my belongings down. "You can stay after class again to clean up from the third years potion making from yesterday." He said whipping his head around to his blackboard. That would be my third detention this week!

I turned to F\N who had snuck in just before me, she had given me a sorry look as he opened her book after avoiding detention.

I heard a snicker co ing from the platinum blonde in front of me. Unfortunately for him professor snape also heard his snicker.

"You are in luck miss L

. Mr Malfoy will also be helping you to clean up!" He slammed a potion book on the table which silenced the boy and everyone else in the class. It serves that git right for finding my punishment amusing because now its our punishment.

You may be wondering which blonde i may be referring to. Well in a simple answer the princes of slytherin sits in front of me in potions, yes you heard me correct. Draco Malfoy whom i have the biggest most giant crush on sits in front of me. I say that but we constantly though insults at each other, joke around and he defiantly has me in the friend zone most likely.

"Turn to page 792" snape said before heading into his storage cupboard to collect a vial of mermaids tears. We were learning about the properties of mermaid tears at the moment in our mythical creatures unit. It was boring yet kind of fascinating, well until we get given a giant essay on it then it wont be so fascinating.

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