Scared of the dark

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I couldn't take it anymore! It was way to dark in the girls dormitories for my liking.

I know what your thinking, you are a witch you shouldn't be scared of the dark! Well I am, and I just hate the dark it's too well dark! What's worse is that it's 3:00am and well we all know about 3:00am

I don't want to be dragged out of bed by some kind of demon! My boyfriend has a private room on the other side of the common room but I will have to walk there.... alone ..... in the dark.

I knew I had to get to Draco some how, at least I could sleep and feel safe. I decided to make a run for it so I dashed to his room wand in hand ready for anything or anyone....

Story POV

You had your wand in your hand
You had your free hand in a fist

As you ran through the common room your small feet sounded like a drum on the cold floor of the Slytherin common room. You were full of fear until you reached the black patterned door which contained the one person who would make you feel safe.

At first you were slightly hesitant to knock as you new Draco liked his sleep and that he had been very tired lately. But you could make it up to him and it was a bit of an emergency..... kind of.

"Draco" you whispered whilst you lightly shook his shoulder. "Go away mom I don't want to get up" he rolls face down into his pillow trying to cover his face.

"Baby it's me not your mom, we are at school" your eyebrows connected as your slightly confused at what's going on in your boyfriend mind. "Huh. Wait what" he turns to face you. "Princess what are you doing her it's 3:00am" he looks at you more alert now

"I'm sorry dray I was scared because of the dark and I wanted to be with you" your lip quivers as he pulls you down into a loving embrace that was warm and welcoming.

"Come on princess get in and I'll keep you safe. The dark can't get you when your with me" you snuggled into his chest as he held you tightly. "I'm so lucky to have you Draco" you gently peck his soft lips a few times. "And I'm lucky to have you y/n. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me" as he says this his grip on you tightens and you realize how much this joy actually cares for you.

You let out a sigh of relief and comfort "I love you so so much" you kiss his forearm that's wrapped around you.

"I love you so so much too my darling" you heart bubbles as he kissed the top of your head softly, it was a kiss full of love and care.

"Actually y/n whilst you are here can I ask you something?" He asks sweetly "of course what is it" you say in response. "Would you like to spend Christmas with me at the manor?"

Your cheeks went rosy red. Draco actually wants you to meet his family for the first time! It's such a big deal for him and it's something you have wanted from the start, I mean why wouldn't you want to meet the people who gifted life with this boy!

"Dray I would love to!" You giggle a little. " did you just giggle?" He chuckles "Awh is my princess happy" he smiles. "She's very happy" he kisses your lips softly "good"

Draco's arm snakes around you waist as you snuggle up to him as his holds you securely "goodnight darling" he says softly "goodnight handsome" and with that you both fell into a peaceful sleep.......

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