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Thanks for ready this far! I hope you are enjoying my stories~ 💕

Warnings: bullying


Pansy always bullied you since your first year of Hogwarts. You were now in your 4th year and honestly things had just got worse.

She was just one of those horrible girls that just can't help herself because she's that jealous. It had become a regular occurrence for y/n to be stopped in the hallway so it was no surprise when it happened today.

"Well look who it is! Y/n the pig" pansy laughed as she was surrounded by her goons. She comes up to you and the group surrounds you so you are cornered.

"Hmm what should I do to you today?" She questions. "Take her books Blaise." She commands and he roughly snatches y/n books.

It was at this moment that you had enough so you spoke up.

"Oi pugface what is your problem!" Her eyes dart to you burning through your soul. "What did you call me you little slut!"

"Am I supposed to be offended by that insult pugface  because the only thing offending me is your face!" She looks at you shocked.

"Why you little-" you cut her off.

"Id give you a nasty look to but it appears you already have one!" You burst out laughing and her gang of minions joined in until she slapped you so hard it silenced everyone.

You fell to the floor as she began to kick you violently. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again!!!"

Kick after kick. No one helped you and her minions just laughed until.

"PANSY GET AWAY FROM HER NOW!" A strong voice yelled. You could barely see or breathe but whoever it was yanked pansy by the hair and pulled her away from you.

"But drakie" was the last thing you heard before blacking out.......

Draco's POV

I was walking to the great hall when I heard y/n yell "I'd give you a nasty look too but it appears you already have one". I couldn't help but laugh because bloody pugface deserves it anyway she's hateful.

But then I heard her minions laughing and pansy yelling at y/n and that's when I saw her on the floor curled up as pansy kicked her.

I ran over there as fast as I possibly could grabbing Parkinson by the hair. "GET AWAY FROM HER NOW!" I yelled and her minions ran off.

I saw y/n on the floor with her eyes shut not moving so I ran over to her and scooped her up.

"But drakie" pansy whined. "Don't ever come near me or y/n again or I will kill you" she was completely taken back by my words as I ran to the hospital wing with y/be in my arms.

A little while later after Madame pomfret had sorted y/n out she allowed me to visit. I took out a chair and placed it next to her bed, I took her delicate hand in mine.

"How could I let this happen to my beautiful princess" I sighed. "Y/n I don't know if you can Hera me but I-I love you and I have for a while now. You are the sweetest and most beautiful person I have ever met in my entire life. I have been so scared to tell you in case I lost our friendship."

I felt a light squeeze of my hand as y/n eyes batted open.

"I love you too" she let out as she started to cry.

"Shhh it's okay princess don't cry." I stood next to her and she cried into my chest. I felt so angry and I just wanted to lock stupid pugface in Azkaban for what she did to my princess.

"Draco can you cuddle me please" she said so gently as she looked up at me with her twinkling eyes. "Of course darling"

I got into her bed next to her and held her tightly in my arms. No one would ever hurt her again not ever.

"How long was this going on y/n" she sighed and a tear rolled down her cheek as I held her closer to me

"Since 4th year"
"Love you should've said! No one will ever hurt you again y/n"

"I love you Draco"

"I love you too sweetheart" I kissed her head as she snuggled into my chest.
So this one is kinda bad but hey ho 😂

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