The paracosm

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Words: 1089
Bass plot: you realize that your life at Hogwarts is imaginary...... or is it..........

Don't forget to follow the Instagram for updates and sneak peaks - Slytherinprincess_s

"Y/n" the whispering voice of Draco Malfoy drifted into your ear as he shook you lightly. "Wakey wakey sleepyhead" he said in less of a whisper as you started to come to.

You were napping on one of the Slytherin common room sofas peacefully until your boyfriend decided that he was going to wake you up. "Oh come on Draco I was so comfortable" you whined slightly.

"Yeah but I'm bored and you have been sleeping for hours y/n" he replied sitting next to you as you moved your legs from the sofa. "Dray it's been 40 minutes" you reply with a little giggle.

"Longest 40 minutes of my bloody life, you literally have been asleep since dinner" he rolled his eyes and then cracked a smile. " what exactly did you wake me up for then?" You asked him as he took your hand and led you from the common room.

"Well I thought we could hang out for a little and get some food and go to our place" he said with a little smile as he was now in public view meaning his Draco like walks shot back up. "Yes it's the perfect time to go to the lake for the sunset!" You replied as you held onto his arm. He loved when you did this as it was not only a little ego boost but he felt like he was your protector.

Whilst walking through the corridors an idea popped into Draco's mind "As we will be down there anyway why don't we stay out and sleep in our hideout to watch the stars." He raises his eyebrows. The pair of you would sneak out all through 4th year to your 'hideout' by the black lake so that you could almost camp under the stars.

"Sounds like an excellent idea to me babe" you smiled giving his arm a light squeeze. After collecting some snacks for the night and some blankets of course, it was time to sneak to the black lake. Just as you arrived in your spot the sun was right on the horizon. "It's beautiful " you mumbled.

"And so are you my love" Draco said softly as he laid a blanket down for you to sit on with some pillows. "Always making me blush aren't you Malfoy" you giggle looking into his eyes. "It's one of my specialties darling" he replied giving you a wink causing yet another blush.

As the sun set and the day slowly turned to night, twinkling stars began to appear, like little jewels in the sky. "I'm so in love with you" Draco blurted out as his gaze was fixated on you whilst you were looking up into the night sky. You turned your head so that your eyes met with his, they twinkled "and I'm so in love with you".

For a few minutes there was a deafening silence, yet it was a peaceful silence. Your eyes were dancing with Draco's as the stars continued to twinkle. Suddenly you broke the silence. "How about we go out on a date tomorrow, maybe hogsmead?" You asked with a cute smile.

"I'm down for that l/n, and how about we stop by the leaky cauldron for some butter-bears?" He replied smiling back at the thought of seating you with butter-bear foam lining your lips. "Oh definitely babe! I love butter-bear!" You exclaim.

"I'm aware, you bloody drink mine too" he chuckles. "Well you just drink to slow" you reply pretending to be 'offended' with a pouty lip. "Whatever you say darling but we all know you just like to steal my stuff" he replies smirking.

"Yeah I'm going for the last name next" you raised an eyebrow causing his cheeks to flush a deep crimson. But that blush soon turned into a confident smile "you can have that without hesitation my darling" he winked.

Another moment of silence hit and your eyes locked again but a few moments later laughter burst out. After you had a moment to collect yourself Draco asked "hey do you fancy a snack?".

"Dray have we met? Of course I want a snack!" You said whilst taking the chocolate brownie out of Draco's hand. Draco chuckled lightly and grabbed a brownie for himself.

"Merlin this is perfect" he said as you gave him a bright smile. "It sure is" you replied as he placed his arm around you.

Now that the sun was gone the breeze felt much cooler and you soon shivered a little which Draco noticed. "Come here love" he patted the space between his legs so you crawled into the spot and he placed his arms around you. He then proceeded to wrap you in his cloak and a blanket.

"Thank you Draco that's much better." You said placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I knew it would be, besides you look adorable" he replied kissing your forehead.

A few moments had passed and Draco drew his wand and cast a spell making a bed appear in your secret hideaway. "Yessss sleep time!" You said cheerily as your bounced over to the bed.

It had soft silk black sheets with a green cover, showing the Slytherin pride of course. "Yes sleep time my love" said Draco who removed his Slytherin jumper leaving him in grey joggers. You were wearing the jumper Draco had just taken off and a pair of black shorts.

"Come on then my little munchkin" Draco said softly as he opened his arms for you to crawl into. "Goodnight Dray, I love you" you said placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you too my darling, goodnight" he replied.

Suddenly you woke up in your room, not with draco, not in Hogwarts. Tears started to roll down your face. "No! Let me stay damn it!" You throw your arms down and scream. "Every time I'm with the love of my life you don't even let me stay!" You continue to sob into your pillows. "Why can't it be real!"

With Draco at Hogwarts~
"No! She can't have gone again!" Draco cried in anger. "I must find a way to get to her! She probably doesn't even know I'm real!" He said in rage.

"I'm coming to get you y/n l/n! Hang in there! I love you!" He shouted into the distance...............................

So who wants part 2??????

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