Passing notes

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Ahhhhh we are so close to 4k reads!!!! Thank you all so so sooooo much! 💕
Also I'm curious what Hogwarts houses are you guys in, I'm in Slytherin.

Words: 840
House: your choice
Blood: your choice
Plot: Draco keeps passing you notes in class.

(Apologies for spelling I am dyslexic so my spelling is t great sometimes)

"Right class today we will be looking at revising wingardium levosar" said professor  in a light tone. "With your partner I want to to read through pages 6-10 and then practice with your wands"

"Y/n can I share your text book because I forgot mine" your best friend said shyly. "Yeah of course you ca-." Before you could finish a ball of paper landed on your desk.

Looking gorgeous today babe

You turned around to see Malfoy looking at you with his iconic smirk slapped on his face. You wrote back.

Is this some kind of joke Malfoy

You threw the parchment back towards him. "What was that about?"  B/f/n asked curiously. "I don't know but he said that I looked gorgeous." You said blushing.

You and Draco had been flirting a lot lately and he was always complementing you but he's Draco why would he mean it and more to the point HES DRACO MALFOY!

Parchment in the shape of a crane floated down in front of you. "I think he's crushing on you y/n I mean have you seen the way he looks at you?" Your best friend smiled.

"I don't know b/f/n I mean I-I like him but he's probably just messing with me." You opened the parchment crane.

Of course it's not a joke love you are absolutely stunning:) I wish I was sat next to you <3

"Oh my Merlin y/n he's in la be with you for sure!" Your best friend tweeted as you turned to Draco who was actually smiling at you.

Well if you want to sit with me meet me in the library at 5? :)

" woah y/n your blushing like mad"
"It's just I never expected this to happen I mean he's Malfoy and I'm... well I'm just me aren't I. I'm nothing special" you replied still blushing at the thought of meeting with him.

"No don't say that y/n I mean just look at him! He can't stop smiling and Draco never smiles like that" b/f/n did have a point there that you couldn't argue with.

Suddenly about her piece of parchment landed in front of you.

I guess I'll see you at five then gorgeous <3

You turned and Draco have you a wink causing the excitement to bubble and your heart to flutter.

-Time skip to five o'clock-

You were sat in the very back corner of the library with your nose stuffed in a romance book. You looked down at your watch 4:59.

Maybe he's not coming, maybe he's playing with me. Those were some of the things that ran through your brain as you read.

"Hello gorgeous" a smooth voice spoke. The platinum haired boy came and sat next to you. You checked your watch again 5:00 wow he's never late is he.

"H-hey Draco" you replied your cheeks flushing. "Aww your so adorable when you blush y/n" he said putting his finger under your chin.

"D-Draco what's going on why a-are you doing this?" You asked shyly. "I like you y/n I like you a lot actually" his eyes darkened a little as his cheeks dusted pink.

"B-but why me I'm nobody I'm just y/n. I'm not pansy or Astoria, they are pretty girls who your family would like but me, I'm just a -." Before you could finish Draco's lips smashed against yours causing Draco's hands to cup your face.

"Y/n that's the biggest load of nonsense I have ever heard you are absolutely stunning babe no your drip dead gorgeous. I can't keep my damn eyes off you and actually I -I have fallen in love with you."

Tears were rolling down your face as you looking into his sweet eyes. He truly meant what he said. Out of instinct your pressed your lips to his soft ones and he immediately kissed back and your lips fit perfectly together like lock and key.

"NO PDA IN MY LIBRARY!" The librarian roared causing you and Draco to burst out laughing. "OUT!" She said in an irritated tone.

You ran out the library to the east wing corridor.
"I love you y/n. Will you be my girlfriend?" Draco said smiling at you whilst his arms rested around your waist.

"I love you too and yes draco I would love to be your girlfriend" you smiled as he kissed you once more. "How about we go and get some dinner eh?" Draco said.

"Sounds perfect to me Dray" he swung his arm around you as the two of your walked merrily to the great hall.

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