The baby

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I actually spent quite a while writing this so I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 2162

Year: after Hogwarts, you are married to Draco and you are 24
House: Slytherin in Hogwarts
Blood: pure
Plot: y/n finds out she's pregnant and has to tell Draco but she's worried that he doesn't want a child yet but that's far from the truth and deep down she knows it but like most people one her mind got a thought it became a little consuming.

~ finding out ~
You were snuggled up under the green silk covers of your large comfy bed. You reach out the the left hoping to feel the warm body of your husband Draco. Instead your arm hit cold sheets.

Slightly confused, you sit up and notice a note and red rose on your bed side table. You gently grasped the rose bringing it to your nose carefully so to avoid the thorns. Accept there was no thorns, Draco had removed them.

He was always considerate like that, he knew how clumsy you could be sometimes and he always tried to protect you, even from a rose thorn.

You picked up the Malfoy crested paper and read through Draco's beautiful writing:

Good morning my love,
I hope you had a better night sleep last night, I'm sorry I couldn't be there this morning; father asked me to go over to the office for a meeting but as soon as it's done I'll be back home. I love you so much y/n and I'll see you a little bit later.
Love always~ Draco xx

Your cheeks heated up reading through his note, he really was the sweetest man you had ever met. Draco was about to take over Malfoy&co from his father, although it was stressful Draco could spend more time at home with you as he would only go to the office a few times a week.

Suddenly your warm feeling was busted by her about her wave of nausea. you had been feeling ill the past few days but you couldn't seem to shake bolted into the bathroom leaning over the toilet to throw your guts up.

After it had stopped you grabbed a face cloth and washed your face in the sink. You travelled down the stairs and trudged into the kitchen. Even the thought of food made you feel sick and then it hit you like a bus.
"I'm pregnant!"

Now a wave of panic invaded your mind and body as you hurried to your massive walk in wardrobe to grab clothes and shoes. You threw on a pair of black jeans with Draco's old Slytherin hoodie. You grabbed a pair of black trainers and apperated to the pharmacy in diagon ally.

You walked into the medical shop rushing to the pregnancy test section grabbing 10 different kinds. You were panicked with all kinds of thought 'what if he won't love me anymore' 'what if he leaves me' 'Draco is going to be so mad'.

With Draco taking on the company you were concerned that if you really were pregnant he wouldn't want you anymore. It was a silly though, ludicrous really but you were so afraid that it seemed possible.

"Are you sure you want to buy all of these?" The cashier said looking at your pale and worried face. "Yes. Please." You replied.

"Well that's 20 galleons" she said with a half smile on her face. You handed her the money and took the bag full of your pregnancy tests.

As soon as you apperated back to yours and Draco's shared home you went straight upstairs to the bathroom. That stick was your future, well all ten sticks.

You used each of the ten tests and lined them all up on the counter "right this is it then" you noticed a tear rolled down your cheek.

After approximately 5 minutes your eyes scanned over the line of tests on the white marble counter

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