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Sorry for not updating for a while, I've just started college this September so I've been settling in and trying to focus on that for a bit but I'm back now and ready to carry on writing these imagines...... I'm also considering writing another book...................

Warning: things get a little steamy in here
House: Slytherin
Plot: it's Halloween at Hogwarts and you know what that means...... party time!

The week before Halloween~
Y/n and her best friend b/f/n were sat slumped on the sofas in the Slytherin common room. "Ugh y/n all of these costume ideas are terrible" b/f/n groaned as she tossed the costume book across the table.

"Tell me about it! And there's only a week to go until Halloween!" You replied still scanning the book for some sort of inspiration. "By this rate we won't have a costume by next Halloween" b/f/n sighed.

Just then Pansy flaunted into the common room with her trashy gang. "Why don't you two just go as yourselves, your ugly enough" pansy sneered

"Pff like you can talk pugface, or was it pugface" you fired back slamming the book onto the table. "Feeling brave are we y/n" she said in response etching closer to you. "You know it" you reply pointing your fingers at her.

"Whatever I'm going to finish my costume, I'm going to be Harley Quinn and my drakie poo is going to be the joker- toodles losers" she flaunted off up to her dorm room.

"God she is actually unbearable" b/f/n said "and she's all over draco, all the damn time. It's so annoying!" You say rolling your eyes whilst sinking into the sofa further. "I bet Draco doesn't even know about it!" You huff.

"Do I sense some jealousy" b/f/n laughed giving you a look that said 'I know your secret'. Best friends always know, it's just fact! You hadn't noticed that your cheeks had become a very deep shade of crimson red.

"Somebody has a crush on dra-." She was cut off by draco himself walking into the common room. "Who's got a crush on who?" He says quite flatly.

"Erm- b/f/n has a thing for..... BLAISE.yeah she has a thing for Blaise " you blurt out causing you turn earn the death stare from b/f/n. "Right..Are you going to the party y/n?" He asked, his smooth voice flustered you even more.

"Yes I'll be there" you reply quickly as to not let on you the rush of emotions coursing through your veins. "Cool, see you then." He replies walking off to his dorm.

"now what am I gonna do! I can't look stupid in front of him." You sigh. You and Draco had always had this flirtatious relationship between you plus you had the biggest fattest crush on him. "Oh I've got it!" B/f/n shot out of her seat. "Why don't we be cats!We can get cute outfits and wack a pair of ears on and walah perfect outfit." She said feeling impressed with herself.

"Seriously b/f/n everyone knows that the cat is the most basic of Halloween costumes"

The night of the party~

After a long week of contemplating your Halloween costume you decided to go with something different, a playboy bunny (costume below)

After a long week of contemplating your Halloween costume you decided to go with something different, a playboy bunny (costume below)

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As you stood in the mirror applying some eyeliner
b/f/n walked in. "Woahhhhhhh girl! You look stunning" she said with a smile. "You look gorgeous b/f/n, I'm glad you chose the clown over the cat" you reply returning her smile.

"Cmon we best get going the party is starting in five." You said excitedly grabbing b/f/n by the arm pulling them out the dorm room.

Whilst walking around the corridors you notice how rather beautiful the castle looks in its spooky attire. Pumpkins float all around the ceilings of Hogwarts and an orange tinged light cascaded all throughout the castle.

Decorative bat bunting was nicely arranged across the castle walls and of course there was cauldrons of burty-bots and chocolate frogs all around.

Suddenly you could feel vibrations through the floor and an echoing noise rushing through the halls. "Music" you said allowed as the room of requirement appeared in the wall.

"Oh this is gonna be good!" B/f/n said excitedly as you entered the room of requirement. Loud music was wirling around the room as students danced, talked and ate. The lights were a dim red as the lit pumpkins created a warmth in the room.

"Woah who's that!" A griffindor yelled whilst pointing to you as all eyes in the room fell on you for a second.

"Slightly embarrassed you walked over to the drinks table as b/f/n had already gone to find Blaise, bloody typical.

"Hello there my little bunny" a hoarse voice hummed next to your ear. Confused you turn to be face to face with the Slytherin prince. "Hi draco" you respond looking at the floor slightly.

"What are you supposed to be?" You asked him curious of his attire. He was dressed in a tweed suit. "Oh I'm a character from peaky blinders" he responded before looking you up and down.

" I certainly wasn't expecting you to look this delicious y/n" he said before taking a sip of what appeared to be fire whiskey. A sudden rush of confidence urges you to reply "you don't look bad yourself" you send him a wink.

Just as he was about to speak a squeaky, annoying voice rang in your ears. "Y/n get away from my drakie poo he's my joker!" She sqwarks. "DRAKIE POO DID YOU FORGET YOUR COSTUME I GAVE YOU!!" She yells.

"Listen pugface, he ain't interested in you and he never will be. Heck you would have more chance of a pumpkin falling for you!" You roared causing her to step back and Draco to....blush. Wait what Draco doesn't blush.

"Drakie poo! Come on baby we don't need to be around this filthy creature!" Pansy screeched. But in response draco only rolled his eyes causing the girl to huff and stop off.

Suddenly a pair of arms snaked around your waist. "That was the hottest thing you have ever done, jealous you is now my favorite you" Draco purred in your ear.

"I was not jealous she's just annoying and frankly I don't get-." You were cut off by a pair of soft cold lips connecting with yours. "Don't lie to me little bunny" he said whilst looking deep into your eyes. "I-I wasn't lying i just being protective of whats mine" you say boldly.

"Oh so I'm yours now little bunny" he said seductively. "Yes all mine" you responded. "Follow me" he whispered into your ear as he took your hand guiding you to an empty corridor.

His lips crash on to yours and it was as if they were meant to be their. There was a hunger, a desire in between the two, all the tension between them was finally being released. "I've been in love with you since 3rd year" you say in between pecks as you catch your breaths.

"Funnily enough so have I." He responded before attacking your lips again this time trailing kisses down your neck earning a moan from your lips.

"You like when I suck on your neck don't you bunny" he seductively whisperers in your ear. You respond with a hum.......................

Thank you for reading! I'll be updating again very soon! 💕
Words: 1269

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