Sick day

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Checked edited 23/01/24
Year 5
House slytherin

It was now 2pm and i still hadn't seen Draco. He wasn't in lessons or at breakfast or anywhere for that matter. I even asked Blaise and even he hadn't seen Draco. I am really getting worried about him, he seemed off yesterday.

I decided to go an check his room because it's the only place you could think of. Slowly i knocked on the black patterned door but there was no response.
"Draco" i called out but still nothing so i walked in.

As soon as i opened the door i could see that it was dark but i made out the long body of Draco Malfoy splayed across the bed.

"Draco, darling are you alright"

He groaned in response as i glided over to his bed opening the window and curtains on the way.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" He croaked as i looked down to see a very sick Draco. "Oh my poor Draco! Don't worry i will get you back to causing mischief in no time" i stroked his head gently noticing his very high temperature.

You sat on the bed next to him trying to get him to tell you what's wrong. "Draco what's are your symptoms?" He looks up at you with a questionable look.

"I'm cold, coughing, I have a runny nose and I'm sweating like a river" he huffs as you wrap an arm around him bringing him to your chest.

"I'm going to look after you Draco okay? Just going to pop and get some things first" his eyes glow like gold "you really want to take care of me?"

"Draco of course I do" you say as you head out of his room to get some supplies. Around 10 minutes later you returned with a blanket, hot soup, a book and some medicine.

"Y/n your back!" Draco tried to sit but you signaled for him to lye back down. "Okay so we are gonna get you a change of clothes first" he nods as rummage around in his draws to find him some clean joggers and underwear that he can change into.

Once he got changed, you changed his sweaty bed sheets and got some fresh green and black ones for him.

"Come and get comfy Draco and I'll give you some food and medicine!" He curls up next to you.

"Open up" you say smiling as you feed him some soup as he hadn't eaten all day. "Y/n?" He looks up at you "yes love" he smiles

"I love you".

You blush as you had his head with a at cloth and place a soft kiss on his forehead. "I love you too babe".

After his soup you decided to read to him to try and get him to relax and go to sleep. "Y/n can't we just go on a walk I feel much better" he says as he tries to stand up but fails.

" Draco you need to sleep so just come and get comfortable and I'll read to you okay" you put your arm out for him to crawl underneath. "Okay okay, at least I get to be with you" he smiles.

You started to read to him and after a few pages you looked down to see your boyfriend peacefully sleeping as he was holding onto you. He was so handsome when he slept even when he was sick.
"Goodnight Draco, I love you" you planted a kiss on his forehead, put the book on the night stand and closed your eyes..........

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