You are mine Darling

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Your house : Slytherin
Year : 5
Blood status : you choose


It was potions, again. I was sat on the row on the right in the middle with my partner Hermione. I wasn't like the other Slytherins who were mean to the other houses, actually all of my friends were in other houses.

"Mione have you got the beetroot weed?" She holds it in her hands. " great so let's get started" I smiled at her and we began out potion.

Me and Hermione we chatting away brewing a batch of liquid luck when I was hit on the back of the head with a piece of balled up parchment. I whipped my head around swiftly. "Hey! Who threw that" in the row behind me was Draco, crabe, Blaise and couple of griffindor girls.

"Well wasn't me darling" Malfoy gave me a smirk as I opened the paper.

You look gorgeous today darling

You looked up from the paper to see a wider smirk slapped on Draco's face as a blush rose upon your cheeks. Draco was always calling you darling , like all the time and you couldn't help but wonder if maybe he had a thing for you. You quickly brushed the thought out of your mind "why would he like me" you mumble quietly

Hermione saw the saddened look on your face
"Y/n are you okay?" Hermione asked as you turned back around.

"Yeah I'm all good just want to finish this potion and get to lunch. I'm starved" Hermione laughed with me as I continued to babble about food.

After another hour of brewing Snape finally the two words I had been waiting for "class dismissed" I grabbed my books and said by to Mione. "See you in Charms Hermione!" I smiled. "Bye y/n" she waved as she walked off with Ron and Harry.

Before the trio managed Harry shot me a wink and a smile so I awkwardly smiled back. Little did I know that the platinum haired boy noticed Harry's action and he was furious.

"Darling a word?" You heard as the hands of pale Slytherin grabbed you and pulled you into a dark broom cupboard. "What do y-you want D-draco?" I said stuttering.

"Awh you are cute when you stutter y/n. Look I wanted to ask you about Potter. The little got winked at you!" He said in a stern tone. "Y-yeah it was a bit w-weird but why are you so concerned about it huh?"

There was silence for a few moments until Draco piped up "w-well y-you see I erm- I don't think it's appropriate" he says the last part with confidence.

"Well well look who's stuttering now Malfoy" you pushed his arm lightly. You though you would tease Draco as he obviously didn't want you around Potter.

"Thanks for the chat Draco dearest but I'd better be going to lunch" with that you left a blushing Draco in the broom cupboard and went off to find Harry.

Draco's POV

Oh my Merlin  she called me dearest! Does she like me back! That was definitely flirting right there for sure and the way she stuttered oh my Merlin that's adorable.

I think I'm just gonna tell her I like her. Yes I'm doing that right now I can't wait anymore!

Draco slipped out of the cupboard and headed to the great hall when his eyes immediately set on you and...Potter

Y/n just made eye contact with me and then she started to, oh Merlin  she's flirting.

"Oh Harry your so funny" y/n giggled as she placed her hand on Harry's shoulder and he did the same.
"Y/n we should totally hang out more your so beautiful" Harry placed a hand on her cheek

"Right that's it I can't take this anymore!" I stormed over and stood behind Potter and y/n looked at me as the hall went dead silent.

"Y/n maybe we'd should go somewhere more pri"
"Y/n darling a word!" Harry turned around to me and his arm dropped from y/n face as I threw her over my shoulder.

"Draco what are you doing!" Y/n yelled as I continue to carry her out of the hall with everyone's eyes wide open.


I knew he would be super jealous! This worked perfectly I mean I didn't expect him to just carry me out like that but hey I'm not complaining.

Suddenly he stopped in an empty corridor and he pushed me up agains the cold stone wall "you are mine darling" he said in a smooth voice making my cheeks flush dark crimson.

"D-Draco I-I don't u-understand" I said quietly as he put his finger under my chin and lifted it up and placed  a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'm in love with you my darling"

The word "My" made my heart flutter

"I'm in love with you too Draco"

———————————the end ————————————

Hope you enjoyed 💕

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