How will i know pt.2

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Thank you for 200 reads!!!!!!!!💕
Anyway here is part 2 of how will I know- enjoy :)

Last time : when Draco is distracted I will make my move. I know love when I see it. ~ Narcissa


"Ha I got you ferret boy!" You hit the platinum haired boy on the back with a big snow ball. "Yeah yeah very good y/n it only took you ten minutes" he laughs as you role your eyes.

"I'm cold let's get some hot chocolate" you smile and Draco nods at you and stretches out his arm signaling you to take it.

You link arms and you instantly feel your cheeks flush with colour. "So y/n what do y-"  he was cut of by you slipping on a patch of ice.

"Woah!" You yell as you slip on the ice pulling Draco down on top of you. You look up into his beautiful eyes as he looks into yours.

"I erm I-I I'm s-sorry dray" your cold cheeks tint burgundy as he chuckles and get up offering you a hand . "Are you alright there y/n" he smiles as you take his gloved hand.

"I'm good I'm just sorry I dragged you down" you giggled slightly. "I enjoyed it" he responds making you very flushed to which he just laughs and pulls you inside.

"Y/n I just have to go and sort something out so why don't you grab the hot chocolates" he smiles. "Sure hurry back tho because I will drink yours!" You both laugh as he travels up the large staircase and you head to the kitchen.

Y/n headed to the beautiful kitchen followed by Narcissa. She started to boil some milk over the stove when she heard Draco's mother walk into the kitchen, her shoes against the cool slabs on the floor.

Narcissa POV

Right this is my chance whilst Draco is else where.
"Y/n dear I wonder if I could talk to you" she turned around and smiled at me. I am so hoping that she will be my daughter in law!

"Of course Narcissa" I was almost nervous to ask as a part of me felt that this was wrong but how will I know if she loves my son. "I apologize in advance but  are you in love with my son?" He eyes widen but a wave of sadness cascades over her face and a tear escapes her eye which she tries to cover.

"Y-yes I am in love with him but... I'm afraid he's not in love with me." She starts to sob so I give her a warm hug which she appreciates. "I am so deeply in love with him and I've tried so hard to ignore it but it's so hard. How will I know if he feels the same if I don't ask but why would he love me" this poor girl. But seriously these two are blind.

"Y/n I've seen how he looks at you, he does love you he truly does. He has told me many a times in his letters about his feelings for you" y/n eyes widened and her frown turned into a smile as I gave her the letter that read

Dearest mother,
I hope you are still well and things at home are okay too. I still haven't told her how I felt and sometimes I go to do it but then I look at her and my mind becomes a mess and I can't think straight. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. Maybe over Christmas we could ask her parents if she could stay over like old times. Anyway I'll write again soon

Your son - Draco


"He loves me! He really loves me!" I giggle as I jump in circles and Narcissa smiles. "See dear I know love when I see it! Now finish these hot chocolates and go get your man" she laughed as she waltzed out of the kitchen.

"Oi l/n" Draco swoops into the kitchen. "Ferret" you reply and laugh instantly. "Grab your hot chocolate and we can go sit in the library and read" you nod and smile.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Later at night ~~~~~~~~~~~

"Goodnight dray" you smile and blush at him. "Goodnight y/n" he kisses your forehead and you both walk into your rooms.

It had been five minutes and the fact that Draco was also in love with you too flooded your heart and you just couldn't bare it anymore. You wanted him, to love him, to care for him.

You put on a gown over your pajamas and walked out of your bedroom and knocked on Draco's door. He opened in as though he too was also about to exit his bedroom.

"Draco I" before you could finish his soft warm lips were on yours and your arms flew around his neck and he pulled you into his room not breaking the kiss.

You fell back on his bed, surrounded by the soft green sheets. You pulled him down on top of you and the make-out session continued. The passion in the room was growing hungry until you both were forced to part for air.

"That was" he was saying but you finished the sentence "amazing" you both smiled.

"I have been waiting to do that for so long y/n. I have been in love with you for quite some time now, you are absolutely everything to me. So I wanted to ask, will you be my girlfriend y/n" he smiled and you reciprocated his smile.

"Yes dray I will!" You pull him into another kiss. The two of you get under the covers of his bed and he pulls you close to him wrapping his kind arm around you.

"I love you Draco"

"I love you too y/n"

"Always have and always will" you say at the same time and laugh before snuggling into the warmth of each other.

To be continued....................................
Part 3 will be the last part....... I think 😂

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