How will i know- finale

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It was now Christmas Day and you and Draco had already been a couple for just over a week. Of course it felt longer to you two but it was a perfect week that was about to become more perfect.

A light kiss was pressed on your temple as you bagged your eyes open to see Draco Malfoy and his morning handsomeness smiling at you.

"Good morning my princess" you say up and hugged your boyfriend. "Morning handsome" he blushed as the compliment. "Merry Christmas y/n" he smiled again giving you a sweet kiss.

"Merry Christmas dray"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and both you and Draco put on robes and slippers to open the door. "Merry Christmas my boy! Merry Christmas y/n!" Narcissa said in a joyful voice.

All of you went downstairs to get some hot chocolate and sit around the cozy fire place talking. "Oh Narcissa I got you a gift" she smiled at you "dear you didn't have to"

"I did! You are like a second mother to me and you have always taken care of me" you smiled and handed her a beautiful box with a green ribbon attached.

She slowly opened the box and her face lit up when she saw a beautiful new black silk Cloak that was custom made by you. "Y/n it's absolutely stunning did you make this yourself!" You nodded as she put it on.

"It's beautiful mom" Draco said as he smiled at you. Narcissa gave you a massive hug and when you turned around you noticed Draco had two boxes in his hand.

"Darling merry Christmas" he said handing you both of the black boxes. You opened the large one first to see a beautiful black dress. "Oh my god Draco it's absolutely gorgeous!" A tear was in my eye

"Open the other one" he smiled.  When you opened it there was a note on top of the rapped item.

Merry Christmas my darling girl!
I hope you like your gifts, I arranged for us to go out to eat tonight at the "(your favorite fancy restaurant)". I know you love it there so that's where I'm taking you. I love you more than words can express my love!
~Draco xx

You unwrapped the paper to see a gorgeous green choker necklace that had a diamond hanging from the center surrounded by small green emeralds.

You leaped into his arms "thank you thank you thank you thank you" you yelled as a tear left your eye . "You deserve the best love!" He smiled and kissed you with passion.

"I have the best"

———————————-The end ———————————
Sorry it's short but hope you enjoyed! New story coming soon!!!!!!!💕

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