The baby part 2

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Continuing where we left off after Draco and y/n announced that they are expecting a baby in December.
Word count:
~ pregnant days ~

In the first trimester life was good, sure you had the odd bit of morning sickness but you could still wear your clothes comfortably and doing everyday tasks was very easy.

"Babe I'm home from work!" Draco called out as he placed his bag down next to the hallway table. You skipped into the hallway to greet him. " hello love how was you day?" You ask slipping into his loving embrace.

"It was actually quite beneficial actually, father is gonna sign the company over next month!" Draco said smiling and feeling achieved. "That's wonderful Draco! I'm so proud of you" you kissed him lovingly.

He knelt down to your tummy and placed his hand on it "how is my mini Malfoy?" He places a kiss on your tummy. "He or she is very well actually and behaving" you smile at him.

"Speaking of the mini Malfoy we need to get to your appointment." He said taking your head leading you to the car. He opened your door for you. "Why thank you kind sir" you giggled as he got in the other side.

- at the doctors -

You were lay on the soft blue cushioned bed staring at the monitor as the nurse put a clear, blue tinted gel on your bare stomach. "Sorry it's quite cold" the nurse said. Draco was holding onto your hand as he kissed your forehead.

"Dray that's our baby!" You screech as the image of your child appears on the monitor. "It's a boy Mr and and Mrs Malfoy" you nurse said.

"Oh my gosh we have a little prince!" Draco said kissing your face all over. "I'm so happy draco!" You smiled at him as happy tears cascaded down your face.

After admiring your son a little while longer the nurse took a picture of the baby, printed it and gave it you to. "That's out son Draco, our child" you say kissing him. "Yes it is y/n. Our little prince" a tear rolled down his cheek.

You had never seen Draco so emotional before, well apart from your wedding but he was the happiest you had ever seen him.

~ hard pregnant days ~

It was in the last few weeks of the third trimester that you find really difficult. None of your clothes fit, you always felt sick, you were more emotional and definitely more clumsy.

Your husband watched you like a hawk watching it's next prey animal. He took the next few weeks off work to spend time with you and the baby.

He was currently not the shower as you were resting in bed. However you had a sudden rush of hunger and so you decided to face the stairs and head to the kitchen.

It wasn't until your had gotten down four stairs that you heard the roar of Draco's annoyed voice. "Y/N MALFOY WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THE STAIRS!" He said rushing to your side swooping you up bridal style to carry you the rest of the way down the stairs.

"I know I know I'm sorry! I was hungry and YOU were in the damn shower!" He held you tightly from behind you he could hold both you and his son. "I'm sorry love but you can't walk properly and if you slip something could happen to you and scorpius and I couldn't live with myself if I let that happen." Draco sighed deeply as you leant back into him. "I know Dray I'm just so sick of not being able to move. I can't even wear my own clothes." You started to cry.

"Shhh it's okay darling, shh. You will be able to wear your clothes again soon and walk to the kitchen and drive to the store again. By that time our little boy will be here and it will be so worth it love." He comforted you with his words a soft and sweet kiss.

"I just want him to be here Dray" you snuggle into his. "Me too darling. Come on I'll help you get the food you want okay?" "Okay".

                 ~ Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy ~

"One last push mrs Malfoy!" The nurse said as you squeezed Draco's poor hand even harder. Suddenly there was a loud cry. "You did it darling! I'm so proud of you!" Draco smiled as he kissed your forehead.

The nurse walked to the side of you handing you your new born baby. He had a few blonde hairs on his head the same colour as his fathers.

"Hello scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, welcome to the world" you cooed in a soft voice as you held the baby  in your arms. Tears were rolling down both yours and Draco's cheeks. "Hi buddy" Draco cooed as scorpius grasped his finger.

                     💕Thanks for reading 💕

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