I Love you

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You and Draco had never really seen eye to eye, constantly bickering and throwing digs at each other. But there was no doubt about that there was something way deeper underneath it all. Everyone could see it even you and Draco.

"Oi l/n how's the weather down there" he smirks  taking the book out of your hand and holding it above your head.

"Give it back Malfoy you git!" You replied jumping to try and grab the book out of his hands. "Hmm I think I'll hold on to this" he runs off with your book as you shout down the corridor at him.

"I'll get you for this gitface!"

As much as you hated Malfoy you couldn't help but feel a warmth when he was around you, it was like you wanted him to be there.

Later at lunch you sat down in the great hall at the Slytherin table with pansy, Blaise and Draco discussing your classes.

"Snape set another stupid essay" you roll your eyes as pansy explains your next set of homework. "Ugh why does he do this every week" you say in response.

"What's wrong l/n not clever enough to do it?" Draco smirks. "Shut up git. Also where's my damn book!" You scowl at him.

"Oh it's in a safe place shorty" he winks but surprisingly this doesn't annoy you, it actually makes you blush. " Awh is little y/n blushing for me" he chuckles as Blaise and pansy say nothing.

"I-iuh umh I may uhm" he laughs and stands up. "Look the little shorty is embarrassed" everyone on the table starts to laugh so you grab your things and run out the hall but not before giving Malfoy a piece of your mind.

"You know what Draco I hate you! Accept I don't hate you and that's obvious so just shove off and leave me alone!" You yelled and the whole hall went silent as you walked out.

You were so so angry but not at Draco, you could never be angry with him even if he was a git. You see you do have feelings for Draco, actually you love him. But he's just, well he's Draco and your y/n and you really never thought you would ever be able to have him.

You went up to the astronomy tower and sat there for a few hours watching the gorgeous sun set over the horizon.


God I actually love him don't I. He's so handsome and funny and when he wants to be he's really nice. I love the way his hair flows as he walks and the way he's so handsome even when he's mad!

I want to be with him but why would he want me, and what's worse is that he now knows I like him and he's probably just gonna make fun of me for the rest of my days.

Draco's POV~

What the hell is wrong with me! I'm Draco Malfoy I don't fall in love! accept I have fallen in love, I've fallen in love with y/n and I have no idea what to do with it.

She's so perfect and beautiful and very funny. I love how she smiles and the way she walks, hell even when she gets mad she's the cutest thing ever to be seen!

How would someone so perfect like me I'm a right git! I have to find her and make this right and tell her..... tell her I love her.

Author POV ~

"Y/n" a soft voice called out so you turned around to see some platinum blonde hair

"Oh it's you, what do you want Draco"

He looked, sad. His eyes looked heavy as he came to sit next to you.

" look y/n about what you said down there" you looked at him

"If your just gonna make fun of me please just go away and do it tomorrow I ain't in the mood for this"
His face drops at the thought of you thinking of him in that way

"Princess I'm not here to tease you, I'm here because I love you" your eyes meet and and lock  together as his hands cup your face.

"You actually love me!" You say excited but instead of a response he pulls your lips to his and kisses you softly with care and love.

"I love you" he says bringing you close to his chest. You can hear his heart beating and it was beating for you.

"I love you too"

With that you spent the rest of your evening cuddled up together watching the day turn into night, talking about how you had always liked each other.

~~~~~~~~~~Bonus ending ~~~~~~~~~~~
Pansy yells as she sees the two of you holding hands, followed by a gasp from Blaise "FINALLY YOU IDIOTS GOT TOGETHER" Blaise and pansy began jumping up and down having a celebration

Pansy stood on the Slytherin table
"Y/N AND DRACO HAVE FINALLY GOT TOGETHER! I REPEAT Y/N AND DRACO HAVE GOT TOGETHER! Everyone in the great hall cheered including the teachers

Draco turned to you and kissed your temple "I love you darling" you smiled at him sweetly "I love you to handsome"

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