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Inspired by the events with covid around the globe I decided to do a coronavirus inspired story.

Year: 6 (no voldy)
House: your choice
Blood: your choice

"Now as you all know there is a muggle virus spreading around and it is very dangerous. In Hogwarts we have a had some confirmed cases and some of you will now need to isolate. Those students will have a letter now." Dumbledore said as a few letters flew out from his hands.

One of the letters sawed through the air and landed straight in my lap, uh oh. Everyone looked at me as I opened the parchment letter.

Dear miss L/N ,
I regret to inform you that you have to self isolate for 2 weeks in an allocated room with another student. This is due to you being in contact with a positive coronavirus case. Please immediately make your way to the spare room in the east wing.
Kind regards
Professor Mcgonagall

I look up as my face got slapped with stares from students all around me. Dumbledore gave me a nod as I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the great hall.

"Oh it's you" a voice said. "Malfoy?" You question as he turns to face you. "Looks like your my new roommate l/n" he said with a smirk to which you rolled your eyes whilst internally blushing.

In the room there was a large double bed, a wardrobe, a chair, a bathroom and a dusty old bookshelf. "Oh this is just!"

"Bad!" I interrupted as a real laugh actually escaped his hard exterior. "Did you just...laugh?" You asked curiosity taking over. He waltzed over backing you up against the wall "why yes I did y/n" he said smirking as a blush rose up your cheeks.

Smiles and laughter really suited him, his smile was so bright and his laugh was just a heavenly sound. " you should do it more often" you smiled as you slid under his arm to the bed where your trunk was.

"Maybe I will" he smiled causing a little giggle to escape your lips.

The time had come for you to sleep but the only issue was that there was only one bed. "I'll sleep on the chair" you chirped up causing Draco's face to grow into curiosity.

"L/n this bed is big enough for both of us" he added as your cheeks heated. "Y-yeah but your you and I'm me so it wouldn't be right?"

"So? Just come sleep in the bed!" He said patting the empty bed next to him. You slipped under the covers slowly becoming increasingly awkward and shy, it's not everyday you are stuck with your crush.

"Goodnight y/n" he said as he rolled onto his side. "N-n-night d-Draco" you said nervously. "Don't be shy y/n even if it is very cute" he mumbled as he drifted off to sleep.

You just smiled at the word "cute" you repeated as you snuggled into the bed yourself.

The next morning the sun shone brightly through the gaps in the cream curtains that attempted to conceal the window. You looked down to see an arm draped over your middle which startled you a little.

Draco's eyes opened and he immediately Ives his arm. "I'm sorry about that y/n" he said as your face turned crimson. "I-err I-it's all g-good" you said as I you stood up flustered. He just laughed.

"Aww is little y/n embarrassed" he said standing to reveal his bare chest causing you to blush more. "Oh like what you see" he smirked walking closer to you.

"Errrr h-how am I supposed to answer that?" You said as you swallowed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, thank Merlin.

"Good morning miss l/n and mr Malfoy here is your breakfast, just to let you know you are both excused from lessons for your duration of quarantine and you will be allowed to walk around the castle grounds when the others are in lessons."

She placed trays of food in your hand. "Thank you professor, see you later" you handed Draco the trays to place on the bed as you closed the door.

You watched as Draco threw a jumper over his tinned body then you both sat down to eat.

End of part one, part two will be out shortly

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