Dating Draco includes

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- lots of PDA in the corridors

- constantly showing you off

- walking you to class

- secret make out sessions in broom cupboards, quidditch stands or anywhere that was free

- cuddles when no one was around

- treats you like a princess, no a queen

- leaves hickeys so everyone knows that you are his

- hand holding

- Draco helps you with potions

- Draco always comes to you when he's angry or sad

- Draco cares for you when you are sick

- he is very possessive and protective but not to the point it's toxic

- he said I love you first

- he initiated the first kiss

- green apples! He always lets you have a bite of his green apple

- Draco sits you on his lap when in the library

- Draco likes to hold and cuddle you whilst you read in his dorm

- sneaking to the astronomy tower

- lots of romantic dates

- he passes you notes

- Draco hypes you up

- what he calls you: princess, darling, babe, baby, babygirl, munchkin, love

- what you call him: dray, baby, ferret, babes, handsome

- "who hurt you! I'll kill them"

- "princess come here. I don't like how he's looking at you"

- if another guy flirts with you he glided over and pushes you up against the wall to kiss you in front of the guy

- "I will never leave you I promise darling"

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