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This one is quite short- sorry :)

House: your choice
Blood status: not important
Year: 4

It was 11pm and you were lay across Draco's large green and black sheeted bed. He was studying for a charms exam buried in the pages of a book.

"Draco" you groaned dragging out the last letter of his name. He looked up at you sweetly. "What is it darling" There was a pause as you sat up to look at him.

"Can we cuddle now? I'm bored " you smiled at him but he skated his head. "Y/n I have to finish this first okay but maybe later" instead of saying something else you just flipped back on the bed.

About five minutes later you stood up and walked over to his desk "ba" he cut you off "no princess I'm not done yet" you rolled your eyes and resumed to your position on the bed.

About an hour had past and Draco was still at his desk writing down a bunch of notes. Y/n had had enough so she decided to go over to her boyfriend and make him cuddle her.

You went over to him and wiggled under his free arm and sat on his lap. He sighed and started to strike your back with his free hand.

"What's the matter my love" he says softly has you nuzzle your face into his neck. "I just want you" you say muffled.

"Hmm?" He questions as you face him

"I just want you dray" you blush and smile as he gives you a kiss as you get comfortable on his lap again.

"You should of done this earlier y/n. This is nice" Draco says as he strokes your hair. Draco then heard soft little snores and smiled down at you.

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