The paracosm-pt2

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Hello! And welcome to part 2 of the paracosm!
Make sure if you haven't read part one you do that first so this all makes some sense! Quick warning there is death in this chapter but not in the way you would expect, Enjoy! ♡

Don't forget to follow the Instagram for updates @slytherinprinces_s

Also I'm thinking of writing a book for the paracosm so let me know if you would want that :)

After hours of crying y/n got out of her bed, eyes all puffy and opened the window to her bedroom. A light breeze drifted in and she took in a slow, deep breath.

Slowly she headed downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Jewel like raindrops were cascading down the window of her kitchen creating a comforting patter on the windows.

"I just want to be with him" you mumble to yourself as you take yourself to the living room to sit beneath the window watching the beads of water fall from the sky. You sometimes though you were crazy, you were in a relationship with someone who's not there, someone you can only see when your mind allows it.

Your guardians wanted you to get a councilor after the accident, especially after loosing both of your parents,but you feared that if you did you would never see Draco or your friends again. Around two years ago now you ended up in a serious car accidents and found yourself very lucky to be alive.

Your parents where not so lucky and from then on yo it world was a black, dark hole or so you felt.

That's when it happened, your mind took you to a place, a place where you could be safe and be who you truly were as a person and not who everyone else wants you to be. At first it felt like some kind of dream to you but you could spend weeks, months or even years there. All of your senses worked and some how you could feel every touch or kiss and taste every chocolate frog or butterbeer.

This was very very real.

The problem is that you don't know how to get there, and stay. You have to find a way, you have to get back to him...................

Later that day after mopping around the house with zero intent of doing anything an owl flew onto the ledge next you your window. You turned to face it but instead of flying away it's eyes locked with yours as it appeared to tap the window with its beak.

Odd, you though but the owl seemed familiar. It was brown with glowing orange eyes, an eagle owl. it looked like Draco's!

You dashed over to the window frantically trying to open it. The owl squeezed through the crack in the window placing a piece of parchment in your hands.

The paper was an aged yellow colour and on it was a Slytherin wax seal. Instantly a tear rolled down your cheek as you broke the seal with your thumb.

Y/n my darling,
I'm hoping and praying that this letter gets to you, I have no idea where you are or why you got taken from me again but if you get this then it means I can find you and bring you back to Hogwarts, where you belong. I told snape about this and he helped me locate you or where we think you might be but crossing worlds isn't an easy task.

My owl is also carrying your wand + your broom and he will lead you back to our world, and then you can stay with us, forever.

I love you so much y/n, please be safe darling.

All my love
Draco xx

"ITS REAL, HES REAL, ITS ALL REAL" you cried out dancing around your bedroom. "Oh my gosh I have to get going, I need to get back!" You said taking your wand from Draco's owl and frantically throwing on clothes ready for your journey.

Draco's owl hopped onto your arm as you ran down the stairs and out of the front door entering the rain. "IM COMING DRACO!" You shouted as you mounted your broom and pushed off the floor.

Your guardians POV~
"No! Hold on y/n please don't leave us you have come so far!" Your aunt Lucy called not that you could hear her though. After the accident you went into a coma, that was two years ago.

The doctors have made some progress waking you up but all that does is cause brain activity spikes.

"Y/n! Can you hear me, just hang in there" a doctor called as he started to do compressions on your chest.

Beep——— beep ——————————————————

"Time of death 6:36pm" the doctor called as your aunt began to sob into the chest of a nurse.

Your POV-
Suddenly you felt a pain in your chest and your vision started to blur before everything turned white.............



"Y/N!" A voice was calling as you slowly opened your eyes. Your eyes darted around the room trying to under where exactly you were. Green walls, black bed frame and a boy.

He had platinum blond hair with these beautiful grey blue eyes. "Draco?" You spoke out loud as you sat up slowly.

"Yes love it's me! You made it back!" He shouted as he took you into a tight embrace. "I'm back! I'm really back!" You cried into his shoulder.

"This time I am staying forever Draco, so we can be together forever!" You smiled placing a soft kiss on his lips .

"Together forever my dearest love!" He smiled.

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