My little munchkin

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House: your choice
Year: 4
Blood status: your choice
Pansy Parkinson. That's all I really need to say. The girl walks around acting as if she owns the place and she thinks she is gods gift to life. She acts like she the queen of Hogwarts and no one stops her. What's worse is she has a habit of bullying me.......

"Oi midget watch where your going" pansy spat as she purposely knocked into you as you walked by. Pansy always used to mock you for your hight as you were only 5ft and she was 5ft 7.
(All heights are awesome guys!💕)

Instead of giving her the satisfaction of a reactionary just pulled your books tightly to your chest and carried on making your way to the great hall for dinner.

"Hey y/n" Luna sweetly at you signaling for you to sit by her. Although you were in y/h (your house) you and Luna had always been best friends. "Hey Luna how was charms" you smiled sitting next to her

"You know same old" you both laughed lightly when pansy walked into the hall and started at you. Your face went pale white.

"Y/n she hasn't caused you more trouble has she" Luna had a very concerned look on her face to which you nodded slowly.

"Luna I think I'm going to go up to my dorm and sleep but I'll see you in the morning for DADA" you smiled softly and she nodded. "See you tomorrow y/n I hope you feel better" she hugged you as you walked out the hall.

Draco's POV

I wonder why y/n left the hall, she loves to eat especially on Thursdays as it's f/f (favorite food) that she loves.

Y/n and I have been in a secret relationship for that past year and we were thinking of going public I've just had to sweet talk my parents about the idea.

Recently I have noticed she has become a lot quieter and more jumpy. I tried to ask her what's wrong but she just says she's fine. Wait hang on a minute why is pansy following y/n??????

Draco quickly left the Slytherin table and followed pansy but not too close so that she wouldn't realize he was following her.


I could hear her heavy foot steps following behind me. This was not going to go well at all.

"And where do you think you are going midget pig" pansy cackled and I tried to walk away faster trying to keep the tear in my eye at bay. It was no use she yanked me back by my hair and pushed me into the wall.

"Just leave me alone pansy!" You shouted
"Why would I do that runt! This is the best part of my whole day and what's more drakie-poo will be so proud of me for performing the crucio curse on you!" She throws you down into the floor.

"Pansy that's illegal!" You yelled drawing your wand as she drew hers. "I don't care runt" she laughed stepping back on one foot.

"Crusi" before she could say the spell she was cut off by a loud "EXPELLIARMUS".

Pansy's wand flew out of her hand into the pale hands of Draco Malfoy, your boyfriend.

"Pansy get away from my girlfriend right now or I swear I'll Avada kadavra you right now and make it look like a bloody accident!" Her jaw drops as a tear escapes your eye as you run into the arms of your boyfriend.

"B-but drakie she's an ugly fat runt! Be with me instead" pansy squawked down the hallway, her piercing voice echoing.

"SOD OFF PUGFACE!" Draco shouted as he picked you up bridal style and whisked you away into a corridor.

He put you down and looked into your eyes as tears began to glide down your cheeks gleeming in the moonlight.  "Oh come here my little munchkin" he cooed as he cuddled you stroking your hair.

Draco always called you his little munchkin, you though it was an adorable nickname. He never made fun of your height he just though it was cute.

"How long has she been doing this love" he asked gently and he lifted your chin. "Since the end of 3rd year" you sniffled as his eyes grew dark with anger.

"I promise you she will never come near you again munchkin neither will anyone else ok! Come with me" he grabbed your hand and swiftly pulled you toward the great hall

"But d-Draco everyone is still there and they will see us!" You stopped him but pulling his arm. "I don't care anymore y/n you are my girlfriend and I love you and everyone should know that!" You smiled.

He told you he loved you for the first time and now he was about to tell the whole damn school!

"I love you too Draco" he looked down and me and giggled as I got on my tip toes to try and reach his lips.

Suddenly he picked me up by the waist so we were looking into each others eyes. "Is that better for you munchkin?" He smiles. "It's perfect" you kiss his soft lips gently.

When you broke the kiss you realized you were in the doorway of the great hall and everyone was looking at you.

"Zabini you owe me ten galleons!" Professor snape yells causing everyone in the hall to laugh whilst you and Draco blushed.

"I love you my little munchkin"

"I love you too my prince"

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