Christmas at the manor pt2

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Hello and welcome to part 2 of the Christmas special! Sorry I didn't release it on Christmas Day I just wanted to spend some time with my family :)
Anyway enjoy.................

"So what do you say beautiful, will you be my date?" You were slightly stunned by the question, rather caught off guard but all of a sudden an eruption of joy and excitement began to seep out.

Your heart felt as though it was filled with millions and millions of butterflies fluttering around giving you a tingle all over.

"Yes Draco I will!" You reply smiling very widely at him. He pulls you closer to his chest as a waft of his sent drifts into your nose, apples, mint and.... Dior savage.

"I want to try and match you, will you be wearing green?" He asks hoping that the answer was yes, it's a well known fact that Draco is happy to show off his Slytherin pride whenever possible. "Duh! I'm a Slytherin after all and I have the perfect dress for the occasion!" You responded earning a smile from Draco.

"Come on we best be getting ready for bed, we have a big day tomorrow." Draco's hand slid down your arm interlocking his fingers with yours. "Your right plus I'm absolutely exhausted from traveling up here." You yawn thinking about the 5 hour journey it took to get to Malfoy manor.

You enter the manor shooting straight up the stairs completely ready for a decent nights sleep. "Well here we are" Draco states, a disappointed tone laced in his voice. "I'm really glad we are going to the ball together Draco." You say quietly looking off to the floor.

"What's this? Shorty is embarrassed" he chuckles placing his finger under your chin to lift it close to his face. "It's okay darling don't be shy, I'm rather pleased myself" his well known smirk began to appear as his eyes darkened slightly.

"Goodnight princess" his voice is slightly husky sending deep shivers through your spine. "N-night draco" you respond quickly scuttling to your room dropping straight down onto the bed.

He's done it again, flustered you so much you can't bloody think straight. His touch is electrifying, it radiates shivers and tingles through your body, it creates a desire so deep and powerful it can't be ignored. Not even Draco could ignore it.

Draco's pov-

"Merlin she drives my bloody insane! I can't get her out of my head for gods sake! She's bloody everywhere even when I close my eyes I can bloody see her standing I front of me all cute and flustered! And don't even get my started on her cute little outfits, Merlin that's enough to finish a man."

"Never before had I thought of her like this until now, yeah y/n has always been hot, we'll actually she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but we have always just been distant friends with a shit tonne of banter!"

"I literally can't stop thinking about my little shorty! Her hair the way it sways when she walks and the way her eyes shine so bright in the light and how her hips sway when she walks........ AGHHHHHH I CANT STOP!!!!!!!"

End of Draco's pov-

You decided to try and sleep off your flustered feelings so you changed into a pair of green silk pjs and get into your big comfy bed.

But it was absolutely no use, wether your eyes were open or closed the only thing you could think about was that bloody ferret boy.

"I need a cup of tea" you sigh rolling out of bed putting on your fluffy bunny slippers and plodding out of the room into the rather dark corridor.

Slowly you make your was down the hallway but stop when you see someone sat in the window looking out into the frosty gardens of Malfoy manor.

"Your awake?" You say as Draco turns round and smiles. Uh oh here comes the blush, Draco was wearing a pair of black joggers the exposed the top of his boxers, his chest was bare showing the definition of his abs.

"Yeah I'm awake, couldn't bloody sleep" he responds and you take a seat next to him. "Neither could I, I kept thinking about-." You stop yourself before continuing.

"Thinking about what y/n?" He asks looking into your eyes directly. "Thinking about you." You blurt out, now your really bloody blushing. "Funnily enough darling the reason I couldn't sleep was because I was thinking about you." He replies placing his mug down on the window ledge whilst etching closer to you.

"I want to kiss you." He says in a raspy deep voice. His one hand has made its way to your face and the other around your waist pulling you very very close to his body. "Then kiss me." You respond bluntly.

Draco didn't need to be told twice, his lips instantly connected to yours releasing some of the tensions between you. His hands ran down your sides making you shiver as more passion entered the kiss.

Suddenly you both parted staring very deeply into each other's eyes. "Thank Merlin, I can finally sleep now." He sighs causing a chuckle to arise between the two of you. "Haha me too" you responded.

"Sleep well princess."

"Sleep well my ferret"

The night of the ball~

All day you had been so incredibly excited for today was the Christmas Eve ball! It starts at 6:00 leaving you two hours to get yourself fully ready for it and of course ready for Draco.

Firstly a shower so that you could do your hair and makeup ready for to get into your dress that you had so desperately wanted to wear.

It was a gorgeous emerald green ballgown with black appliqués scattered over the dress. It was stunning.

You wore black heels embellished with snakes wrapped around the heels as well as silver jewelry to match

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You wore black heels embellished with snakes wrapped around the heels as well as silver jewelry to match. As you stood in the mirror looking at yourself you felt a sudden nervousness, what if he didn't like the dress, or though that you looked....... Ugly.

Maybe he would change his mind about attending the ball with you. Overthinking as always, you began to hear a lot of chatter from down the stairs and so you checked your watch 6:15.

"Time to go meet draco...." You mutter nervously.

You emerge from your room and find yourself at the top of the grande staircase of Malfoy manor. At least one hundred faces looked up at you as the from when dead silent. At the bottom of the staircase was Draco who was....... Speechless.

You began to carefully walk down the stairs as Draco met your half way.

"Holy heaven on earth, you look...... breath taking darling." Yet again a deep blush spread across your cheeks. "Thank you Draco, you look handsome as always." He smiles at you winking.

"Shal we?" He says taking your arm as he walks you down the rest of the stairs.......................

Part 3 coming soon :)

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