Promise rings

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Year: 6 no moldy voldy
House: Slytherin
Blood: your choice
Plot: Draco had been acting strange and you thought there was some wrong but it turns out he has a surprise for you.

"Hey Drac-." Before you could even finish Draco shot off down the corridor for the third time today. He had been avoiding you like the plague all week, sneaking off all the time and not talking to you very much.

Your face sank as you continued to walk along the east hall corridor. "Ah if it isn't our favorite little Slytherin" Fred and George Weasley swung their arms around your shoulders.

"Oh hey guys" you mumbled and they turned and stopped in front of you. "What's wrong y/n? Is it Malfoy again?" Before answering the tears began to fall from your cheeks.

"Shhh it's okay y/n I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation" Fred said as the two brothers comforted you. "Thank you for being there for me" you cracked a smile. "Anything for our y/n"

"I'm gonna go to my dorm to take a nap but I'll see you guys after dinner" you said hugging your two best friends. "Oh erm y/n before you go just erm look at this erm painting it's very interesting" George said as if he was trying to keep you there.

"Uhh but weird but okay?" You said looking over at the wall with the painting he was pointing at. "Now what?" You questioned.

" well I guess that's all so erm go and enjoy your nap" Fred smiled as the pair hugged you again. "Okay you guys are acting odd but I'll see you later" you say.

"Just don't worry about it y/n everything will be okay we promise"

The twins watched as you walked out of view to the dungeons.

Fred and George POV

We hate keeping secrets from y/n but I'm sure in this case is acceptable. You see Draco wanted us to keep her out of the way whilst he snuck into her dorm.

He's planned this big thing for her hence all the sneaking around. I hope she forgives us for not telling her but Malfoy threatened to hex us both.

Story POV

"Pure blood" you murmured at the entrance to the Slytherin common room.

You trudged inside and plodded up the cold stone stairs to the wooden black stained door that was the entrance to your private dorm. You were your house prefect and so you had your own dorm.

By this time tears were flooding down your cheeks. Did Draco not love you anymore? We're you not good enough for him? You kept questioning yourself in your mind terrified of loosing him.

As you opened the door to your dorm, your eyes expanded with the sight before you. Small green heart balloons where scattered around the room and from each there was a photo of you and Draco hanging from it.

There were green and white rose petals leading to your bed where there was a letter placed in the center of a heart made of photos on top of a box.

My darling,
I understand that you are probably very angry and upset with me for avoiding you but I have a surprise for you! I know you and I know you are probably thinking I don't love you but it's quite the opposite babe. There's something for you in the box, put it on and then meet me in the astronomy tower. I'll be waiting love.
Love always~ your Draco xxx

"Your Draco" your thought repeating his words,'Yours'. You lifted the black velvet box and opened it to reveal a gorgeous emerald green dress. "This is the dress I told him about a few weeks ago in hogsmead" your eyes teared.

You threw on the dress and a pair of black shoes with a black clutch to carry your wand. It was around 6 ish when you arrived at the astronomy tower as the sun was setting. There he was.

"Dray?" You called out as he turned and smiled a genuine smile. "Princess you look breathtaking" you said reaching out for your hand as you took his. "What's all this for?" You looked around.

There was candles scattered and there was a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor. He sat and I sat comfortably next to him watching the sun set peacefully.

"Do you like it?" He asked humbly. "Dray I love it, this is amazing" you replied kissing his cheek softly. "I'm sorry for ignoring you I just didn't want to ruin the surprise." He said looking into your eyes.

"I just though you didn't love me anymore" you said quietly and he cupped your face. "Darling why would you think such a thing, I will never ever leave you no matter what happens and that's part of the reason why i have done this" he said reaching into his pocket.

He took out two rings. Both were silver but the bigger one had a snake shape cut out of it with a heart and the smaller one was the snake and heart so they connected.

"Dray are those promise rings?" You said smiling and tearing up. " yes they are darling because I promise I will love you and only you for the rest of time." He placed the smaller ring on your finger and placed the other on his.

" I promise to love you forever and ever Draco, forever and always" you said connecting your rings. He pulled you face in and as the last inch of the sun slipped below the horizon your lips connected in a passionate kiss.

Bonus ending

"Did you hear the Draco promised himself to y/n?" Hermione said to a shocked Ron and Harry . "No way did that slimy gi." Before he could finish you spoke up.

"Yeah he did actually, we are promised to each other" you smiled as Draco swung his arm over though. " yes we are because I'm in love with this beautiful princess" he said sweetly kissing you leaving the trio in shock.

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