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Year: summer holidays between 5th and 6th year
House: Slytherin
Blood: pure blood
Plot: your family and the Malfoy family go on your annual camping trip only this year you and Draco have growing feelings for each other.


The Sumer was here and once again you are on your yearly camping trip with the Malfoy family. You had been going on this trip since you were little and you never really minded it.

As wizards you could travel to anywhere you wanted but there was one particular spot that you camped at every year. It was in the middle of a forest by a blue waterfall. For some reason it was always hot there no matter what so that was the chosen camp spot.

Currently you and Draco where trying to work out how to put up your tent.

"Ugh y/n! Your poking me with the tent pole!" Draco spat annoyed by the amount of time you spent faffing with the tent. "Oh well I'm sorry Mr unhelpful!" You spat back.

"Seriously y/n let's just use magic" you stopped and looked at him. "What's the fun in that?" You asked as the tent pole jabbed you in the stomach.

"Yeah let's use magic" you sigh as Draco cracks a smile at you and waved his wand. The black and green tent forms and Narcissa casts an enchantment on the tent.

"Go and get changed you two. We are all going on a walk." Narcissa said with a smile. "Okay mom" Draco replied.

The pair of you walked into the stent splitting in the middle. "No peeking Malfoy!" A hint of confidence in your voice. "No peeking l/n we all know you want to" you could just tell that he was smirking even tho you couldn't see his face.

"Oi you cheeky git!" You reply and he laughs, it was a genuine laugh too. After a few minutes you both met outside the tent with your families.

"Are we all ready?" Your father said looking at you. "Yes we are ready" you replied until you noticed your mother and Narcissa were not in sight.

"What about mom and Narcissa?" You asked. "They carried on as they had important matters to discuss" Lucius replied as he and your father started to walk ahead of you and Draco.

Draco nudged your arm "so how's it going in y/n land?" You chuckled. "It's fabulous really dray, I'm at a beautiful waterfall for three weeks and I'm sharing a tent with a sexy bloke! What more could I want?"

Draco's face flushed bright red "ha you wanna see your face! Draco tomato!" You laughed as Draco tried to speak.

"I-I i urm well I- I you know- yeah I'm sharing a tent with a goddess" he replied but the last part was mumbled so you couldn't hear what he said. You turned to face him.

"What was that last part I didn't quite" before you could finish your sentence he backed you up agains a tree and his face as millimeters away from yours. He leant in next to your ear.

"I said I'm sharing a tent with a goddess" his voice was low and it's the kind of voice that you could listen to all day long. "O-oh I-I see erm" he backs off and laughs lightly.

"Look who's flustered now! Come on y/n" he stretches out his hand and you take it, he interlocks your fingers as you continue to walk.

For the past year all you and Draco had done was flirt with each other. You knew you had fallen hard for the Slytherin prince but had be fallen for you? That was the troubling question.

Later once you got back to the camp your parents had something to announce. The six of you were gathered around the fire. You were sat next to Draco holding marshmallows.

"Y/n, Draco we have something we need to talk to you about." Your mother said as she looked at Narcissa. "What is it?" You and Draco replied in sync with each other.

"Well both of our families are very powerful and we feel that it should remain that way." Narcissa said as my mom continued on "to do this you two are both going to have to get married after you leave Hogwarts. We have spent time today picking your betrotheds"

Both you are Draco were wide eyed. You had been put into an arranged marriage whilst on holiday! Draco turned to you and grabbed your arm.

"Y/n a word!" Draco sounded angry but he gave you a look that said I'm not annoyed with you. You pulled you into your tent and zipped it up.

"What the actual Salazar is going on!" He said slamming his hand on the table. "I don't know but they can't do this! It should be our choice !" You replied angrily but then the anger stopped.

"Wait Draco I-I think we need to talk." You said and put your hand on his arm. He looked down to you, his eyes still filled with annoyance.

"Look I know this isn't ideal for either of us but I have a solution, well kinda. We both don't wanna marry two random strangers do we?" You ask and he nods. "Well why don't we" Draco cut you off.

"Why don't we get married?" Draco blurred out as his cheeks went rosy. "W-well I-I was gonna a-suggest t-that yes" you replied your cheeks more red that that a rose.

"well at least we know each other" Draco said as he towered over you. "Besides, you would make an excellent Malfoy"your cheeks were definitely on fire now. "Follow my lead" Draco marched out of the tent over to the parents and he pulled you with him.

"Right now listen up! Y/n and I are not going to marry random strangers so if we have to marry we will marry each other!" Both of your mothers started to smile, Lucius was rolling his eyes and your father just looked chilled out.

"Oh that marvelous" Narcissa chirped with my mom giving her a hug. "Are you guys serious!" You yelled as you went back to the tent.

The next week went by and things between you and Draco had been awkward. It was nighttime and you were thinking about how Malfoy was always flirting with you. Did he mean it or is he just playing about.

You got out of your bed and snuck over to Draco's side. He was lying on the very edge of his bed.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" His voice was a little croaky but it was still smooth underneath. He patted the bed next to him signaling for you to sit there.

"W-well I-I was just thinking a-about..." you became embarrassed and actually rather sad at the thought of Draco not feeling the was you did. "Thinking about what babe?" He said in a smirk.

"That! That's what I'm thinking about Draco! You flirt with me all the bloody time and I don't even know if your playing games with me or wether you like me or what I just don't know but I fell for you and I" you were rambling until Draco cut you off with a soft kiss on your lips.

The kiss was...beautiful. His lips were soft and they fitted to your perfectly like a key in a lock. "Dray" he looks into your eyes. He pulls you into his arms and it's a feeling of safety, warmth and...home. "I'm not messing with you, I fell for you too y/n" he says.

Maybe this whole marriage thing was a blessing in disguise....

Words : 1354
Okay ngl I hate this one! I had a good idea and then it just fell to pieces so sorry about that folks! I'm going to write another one tomorrow as this is just not it!!!!!!!! Thanks for over 800 reads I hope that you are enjoying what you are reading! ~Mae 💕

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