The Trap part 1

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"Have you decided yet?"


"Draco it's been a month. If you don't want kids then just tell me!"

"I got you something."

"Don't change the subject Love."

"I'm not, just follow me."

             Draco got up and started walking to a guest room. I sighed, annoyed, and got up to follow him. He smiled and opened the door. It was a room with little cartoon animal wallpaper, glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, and a cradle in the corner.

"So does this mean-"

"I wanted it to be a surprise, I still had the baby carriage on the way, so I was going to wait to-"

"Just- shut up and kiss me you idiotic bastard!"

             Draco smiled widely, and lifted me up, kissing me. "I have the high ground now." I said laughing.

"Oh! I should write to Kingsley!"

"I already took care of that Darling."


"So what?"

"When do we start trying?"

"Lead the way back to our room and we can try now."


"Darling! Time for breakfast!"

"Just- erm- hold up a minute!"

"Are you oka- oh no, you're sick again aren't you?"

"I'm fine. Just eat without me."

             I walked up to the bathroom and opened the door. Y/N was hunched over the toilet. "Oh Princess, why didn't you let me help you? I can get rid of your stomach problems in a flash." I said, sitting next to her and holding her hair back. "No Draco you can't." She said. "What? Why?" I asked. "Draco, do me a favour and stop by the store. Get a test for me." She said, before throwing up. "Test for wha- OHHHHH! I'm- incredibly dimwitted. I will be right back." I apparated behind a nearby pharmacy before stepping in. Since it was a muggle pharmacy, I had to be careful not to use any magic.

             I quickly got a couple of tests and went to the cashier. She scanned the products and eyed me weirdly. "What? It's not for me!" I said  defensively. "Aren't you a bit young to be a father?" She asked as she bagged the tests. "Pardon? I'm married." I said, grabbing the bags and handing her 20 pounds. I sighed, walked out and behind the store, and apparated home.

             "I'm back with two tests." I said, handing her the tests. "Thanks Love." She said, taking them. "Erm- can I have a glass of water?" She asked. "Accio cup" I said, and a glass cup came flying to my hand. "Aguamenti." I said, and the cup filled with water. I handed the cup and she drank it quickly. "Now what?" I asked. "Now we wait." She said. "And you- leave because I need room." She said. I nodded and shut the door behind me.


             She walked out of the bathroom, crying, with her face down. "Hey, hey! It's okay Princess, don't cry. We have all the time in the world." I said, walking up to her and pulling her into a hug.

"Yes but Draco, we've been trying for three months."

"It's okay! We'll just try again."

"We can't do that."


"Because Draco, I'm pregnant."


             Her face lit up and she smiled happily. "Draco, we did it! We're having a baby!" She said before I kissed her. "You're going to be such an amazing mother Princess!" I said, tears in my eyes. She chuckled and wiped my tears away. "And you will be an extraordinary father." She said tenderly.


"Hey Draco?"

"Yes Princess?"

"Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"I think it'll be a boy, but having a girl would be so great too."

"Well I think she's a girl."

"Is that a fact?"

"Mother's intuition."

"Do you have any names in mind?"

"I thought we should continue the idea of naming it after a constellation. I found two names I think you'll like, Lyra for a girl, and Scorpius for a boy."

"It's beautiful."

             "Y/N Malfoy?" A nurse called Y/N took a deep breath, looked at me, and smiled. I stood up, helping her up. We walked with the nurse to a small check up room. "Dr. Browne will be here shortly." Said the nurse before leaving the room. "Doing okay?" I asked her, squeezing her hand lightly. "Mhm, just nervous." She answered, smiling. Soon, a tall lady with creamy, toffee skin, and dark brown hair, walked in. "Hi, you must be the Malfoy's. I'm Sarah Browne. I will be your doctor today."


             "Alright, we're almost done, we're going to get your ultrasound done. Can you lift up your shirt a bit just to expose your stomach?" The doctor asked. Y/N lifted up her shirt, and the doctor applied a gel to her stomach. Y/N laughed a bit, and shuddered. "Ah- that's a bit cold!" She said. Dr. Browne chuckled and nodded. "Oh! You're already showing a bit! Is this your first visit?" The doctor asked. "Yeah, actually. We should've come sooner. Eh?" I asked. "Yes, you should've. Now tell me, have you detected any movement yet?" The doctor asked. Y/N shook her head no.

"Why, is that bad?"

"You're 20 weeks through, usually women start feeling movement around this time. If you don't see any movement within the next four weeks, let me know- cancel that, I just saw a finger twitch!"

"That- that's great! Can we see?"

"Of course! Do you want to know the genders?"

"What do you want?"

"Whatever you want Princess."

"Yes, we'll love to know the gender."

"Wait- I'm sorry, earlier did you say genders? As in multiple?"

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. You have a wonderfully healthy boy and girl."


             Allow me, for a moment to distract you from this happy moment. Y/N's having twins! A boy and a girl. You didn't think this story ends on a happy note. Did you? Life is a game of chess. You have those things you must sacrifice in order to win the bigger victories. You have a queen, your power, and a king, your weakness. The reason why the king is your weakness, is because it's the most fragile. It has the least places to move and grow, and when it's in a check, you might have to loose something to protect it. Lets just see how this all plays out; but for now, consider this a trap. Not yet checked. It looks good, but you are sorrily mistaken.


Have fun with the anticipation

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