The Letters

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             I ran up out of the field to the astronomy tower. Once I reached the top, I started walking out to catch my breath. There I saw Harry checking his watch. "How could I be so fucking stupid. Of course she's not going to come." He said. "You didn't think I stood you up did you?" I said quietly. He turned around and smiled. "You came." He said. "Hm well who would pass up the opportunity to spend time with the chosen one eh?" I said smirking. "Alright that has got to stop. Follow me." He said. He grabbed my hand and we walked around the corner and I saw a picnic blanket, candles, and fruit. "Oh Harry it's lovely!" I said smiling. We sat down and talked forever.

             It felt like we had been talking all night. Maybe because we had. I looked up, and saw the sun rising. "Well we should get going. We have a train to catch for winter break." I said. I stood up, and he did the same. "Promise me you'll write." He said. "I promise." I replied smiling. I got on my tiptoes and pecked him on the cheek. He blushed, and we went down to pack our things in the common room. I collected my things in my trunk. I got up to the owlery and got Daisy, by barn owl. I went down to the gates of Hogwarts and we were led out by Hagrid.

             There, I saw Ron and Hermione. We found a booth and talked the whole way back. Finally when it was dark, I arrived to the stop in London. I got out, said bye to Ron and Hermione, and met my Mother.

             "Mum!" I yelled, running into her arms. "Hey baby, I missed you!" We ran into our house and I saw the whole family. I had forgotten about this year's family reunion. I said hi to everyone and ran upstairs to put my trunk and Daisy away. I rushed back downstairs and we all had a wonderful dinner.


             It was the first day of winter vacation. I spent all my hours walking around the grounds, playing quidditch, or studying. Later that day I got a letter from a small brown owl. I gave it a treat, and took the letter off of its claws. I unrolled the scroll and began reading. The owl snuggled up to me, looking at the letter almost as it was reading it with me. "Malfoy, I just arrived home! I have a family reunion this year, and we had a lovely dinner. I know that you weren't invited home for winter, so I brought you something in the small brown box. Enjoy! I'll promise to write you everyday. Lots of love, Y/N." I had missed the brown box. It blended into the feathers of the owl so well. The owl handed the small box to me. I opened it, and saw 5 chocolate chip cookies and three pumpkin pasties.

             I got out a spare piece of parchment and began writing my response. "Dear Princess, thank you so much for the pasties and the cookies along with your letter. You know your owl is just like you? While I was reading the letter you sent, she snuggled up next to me and read along with me! Miss me already? I'll write you. Wish your family happy holidays for me. Wish I was there, Draco Malfoy." I tied up the scroll and the owl stuck out her leg for me as I tied it to her. "Take this to Y/N. will you?" I could have sworn the owl nodded as it flew away out of sight.


I was sitting down at a wizarding cafe in Paris. My parents had surprised me with this vacation as an early Christmas present. Suddenly, I saw a small owl swoop down and hand me a small parcel and a letter. I unrolled the letter and read it as the small owl landed on my shoulder. "Hermione, I hope that you are well in Paris! Your parents told me that you were here so we could write over the break. I arrived safely at home and am having a family reunion. We had the most amazing dinner, and I wanted to bring something to you, since there was far too much leftover. It is in the brown parcel. Your dear friend, Y/N." I opened the parcel and immediately smelled something refreshing. I saw a few chamomile tea bags, a chocolate frog, and a few iced sugar cookies.

             I picked up the nearest pen, and parchment which I kept on me at all times and wrote "Y/N, Paris is beautiful! One day we will have to go together just us. I am relieved to hear that you have arrived safely. Thank you so much for the teas, and the desserts. Write me back soon! XOXO- Hermione." I sent the small owl off with the letter and went off to explore Paris.


             I was sitting down at the great hall next to Ron when I saw a small owl with two letters and two parcels. The white letter read "Ron" and the brown letter read "Harry." The same colours and names were on the boxes. I handed Ron his letter and parcel and we started to read. "Harry, I hope Malfoy isn't being too mean to you during your stay! If he does, let me know, and I'll send a howler. I hope winter is good to you! I know that even though you have amazing food at Hogwarts, you would appreciate a small home cooked treat. Have lots of fun. Miss you a ton, Y/N." I opened parcel and saw a homemade treacle tart.

             I took a nearby napkin, and started scribbling my response. "Y/N, I hope you have a nice time in London. Malfoy isn't being horrible yet, but feel free to send a howler anyway. Thank you for the parcel, I will enjoy it lots. -Harry." I started to tie the note to the owl's leg, when Ron snatched it away. "Bloody hell Ron!" I yelled. He took the note and wrote "and Ron" after my name. He tied it to the owl's leg and it flew off.

Hey lovelies! I know that this was like the most boring chapter ever, but I swear, it's super important for the next chapter if you want to understand everything. Please remember to vote if you enjoyed it, and ily!! Baiii❤️❤️

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