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The dementors crept closer and closer, making the air around me like ice. My lungs felt frozen, and I felt like all of my energy was draining out of me. "Ex-expecto-expecto patronum" I said. I took all of my energy to get that out. I felt so- so tired. I just wanted to close my eyes and...

"Will she be okay?" I heard a voice whisper. I opened my eyes and saw myself in the hospital wing. "Oh hi Luna." I said. I still felt so tired. I looked down and saw that something was in my hands. A small silver foiled rectangle with a sticky note on it. "Eat some. It'll make you feel better. -DM" it said. I unwrapped the foil and saw a bar of chocolate. I snapped off a square and ate it. It really did make me feel better. I felt the heat of my body returning back to me, and I suddenly felt stronger. "Here Luna. You can have the rest." I said smiling, as I handed the bar to her.

I walked back to the Gryffindor common room, and saw everyone sitting down around the fire. Ron, Hermione, Harry, and the twins. I sat in between Fred and George and leaned my head on George's shoulder. He laid his on mine and I gripped onto Fred's hand. "Is everything alright?" Whispered George. "No." I whispered back.

             We all sat there just listening to the fire for a couple minutes. "Y/N- I'm really sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that, I just didn't think that you would actually fall for it." He said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was defending himself instead of apologizing. "But guess what. I did. I fell for it. For you. But it was just one big funny joke. You know up to third year, I was that ugly girl who it was funny to get dared to ask me out? I thought this year would be different." I said. "I didn't know!" He shouted back. "Of course you didn't. The famous Harry Potter could never have time to even know what was going on with his friends. You know what! I come out of a three month coma, and the first thing you do it yell at me! You don't care about anyone but yourself." I yelled back.

             He sunk into the couch, and I instantly regretted all of those words I had said. I felt a familiar tear gathering in my eye. I stormed up into my dormitory, and heard foot steps behind me. "Go away Harry." I said. "Do we look like Harry?" Said Fred. They both sat down on either side of me on my bed. I started to cry. "Alright." George said. He pulled me into a hug, and I cried into his chest. He hid me with his cloak, and rubbed my back, trying to calm me down. Fred started to braid my hair, because he knew it calmed me down. George kissed the top of my head and said "this is- the shittiest year." And laughed. I laughed slightly and pulled away, and wiped the tears off of my cheeks.

             "You okay now?" Asked Fred. I smiled sweetly at them and said "never better. And hey- why should I be crying over boys? I'm a bad bitch." I said smirking. George pinched my cheeks and wiggled them like my mother would do and said "yes you are you big baby." He laughed, and I shot him a fake offended face, even though I couldn't help but smile. I broke out into laughter and threw a pillow at Fred and George. They walked out, leaving me alone. I ended the day with a smile on my face, and no tears to cry.

             I got up, and quickly got ready for the day. Today was the last day at Hogwarts, so we had no classes. I put on a badass outfit (a white tube top, black pants and a black leather jacket) and headed down to the great hall.

I sat down at the Ravenclaw table next to Luna and Ginny. I grabbed a pear from the middle of the table and started eating. They said I was more than welcome to sit with them on the train, which was great news since I didn't have anyone else to sit with. After breakfast, I quickly packed my trunk and got Daisy from the owlery. I walked down to the Hogwarts express and started looking for a booth. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Sit with me." Said the voice cockily. I turned around and saw Blaise Zabini. I smiled at him and he flushed a dark red. "Sure." I said.

He led me down to the back of the train with two other people. Pansy Parkinson and Malfoy. Pug-face was sitting next to Malfoy and snuggling up to him. Malfoy looked disgusted and uncomfortable, so he ended up pushing her out of the booth. Blaise and I talked the whole way back to the platform, while Malfoy just sat there silently, looking at his rings. Blaise and I actually had a lot in common, and became friends quickly. "So Y/N will I see you at the Malfoy's this summer?" Malfoy glared at him. "What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "Oh well the Malfoy's host a dinner and ball every summer to friends." Responded Blaise. "Oh- well I didn't receive an invite, but have fun!" I said. I bit my lip, trying to not show the disappointment in my eyes. I know that Malfoy was trying to keep distance because at the moment I was furious at him, but for some reason it still hurt.

Blaise handed me a slip of golden paper that read "+1". "Here. You can be my plus one. But you know, going as friends right?" He said. "Yeah! Thanks Blaise! I guess I will see you this summer."

Soon, we got off the train, and I went to find Ron, Fred, and George. Molly has invited me to stay in the burrow this summer.

hey my loves! Thank you all for your continuous love and support. Just a reminder, please vote if you enjoyed it! Just one vote not only makes my day, but it also helps other readers discover this story. It would really mean a lot! As always, ily!! Baii❤️❤️

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