The Yule Ball part 2

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I went to the Yule ball with Pansy Parkinson. She looked revolting in her dress. What colour was that anyway? Shit-bag brown? But I had to go even though I didn't want to go with her. Anything to keep my status. I saw Y/L/N walk down those stairs in a beautiful sexy black dress. She was glowing. She met with Diggory, and started dancing. Soon they were snogging. Gross.

I looked away and soon heard a slap followed by Y/L/N shouting at Diggory. "I hope your happy." She said. "I HOPE YOU CAN SLEEP AT NIGHT KNOWING YOU HURT TWO GIRLS WHO LOVED YOU!" She yelled. the music stopped and everyone was watching them. "Damn. I didn't know that princess had it in her to slap Diggory." I thought. "GOD-I HOPE YOU'RE SATISFIED." She yelled. I saw tears streaming down her face. It had all made sense now. That dick-bag Diggory must have brought Chang and Y/L/N to the ball.

            "Diggory, we're done." I heard her say. "Y/N..." he said regretfully. He put his hand on her shoulder. "WE'RE NOT ON A FIRST NAME BASIS ANYMORE SO DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME AND NEVER LOOK AT ME IN THE EYES AGAIN!" She screamed. She ran out crying.

I excused myself from Parkinson, and went after her. I followed her up to... the astronomy tower. She was leaning over the edge. "Y/N!" I screamed. Right as she was falling over, I raced over, and grabbed her hand. She was hanging over the ledge, and I was using all of my strength to try and pull her up. "Princess please." I cried. Gravity was against me. "Please. Pull up." She just stayed hanging, shaking. I was now sobbing. "PRINCESS PLEASE! I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO!"

I sent up red sparks in the sky, hoping to get someone's attention. Luckily, I saw that Weasley, Ron, race up. "Malfoy." He groaned. "Help. Please." I cried. He came to where I was standing, and saw her. "Y/N?" He said shocked. He snapped out of it, and helped me pull her up. Once we got her up, she collapsed on the floor, looking numb to any emotion. Almost like a zombie. I sat down to face her, and wrapped my arms around her, never wanting to let go. "Princess..." I said. I felt a single tear run down her cheek onto my shoulder. "My Slytherin prince." She said slightly laughing, but still crying. "You came after me? After all this time?" She asked. "Always." I responded.

I looked up and saw Weasley. "Thank you. For helping me." I said. "Well it's Y/L we're talking about." He responded. I broke away from the hug and faced her. I used my thumb to wipe away the tears on her face. "Princess, why would you jump?" I asked. She broke down and started crying again. Well that was better than feeling numb at least. "Diggory." She said. "Princess, that's no reason to jump. He's a dumb guy who did a dumb thing. You want to risk your life for that?" I said crying. "I WANTED TO BREAK HIM HOW HE BROKE ME! I WANTED TO SEE HIS LIFE FILLED WITH REGRET! I WANTED TO SEE HIM LIVE THROUGH PAIN!" She yelled. I just sat there in silence, and looked down.

"I'm sorry Malfoy." She said in between sobs. I grabbed her again and hugged her tight. "I'm staying with you tonight." I said. "What?" She said. "Come on let's go." I said. I picked her up and carried her in a piggyback ride to my dorm. It was a king sized bed, and was way too much for one person anyway. I tossed her a sweatshirt and sweatpants that were way too big for her. "Go on. Change. I won't look." I said. I turned the other way, and slipped out of my tux, and into a pair of shorts. I got into bed. She started to take a blanket off and put it on the floor as well as a pillow. "Y/N what are you doing?" I asked tiredly. "I'm sleeping on the floor." She said. I went over to her, and grabbed the pillow and the blanket and threw it on the bed. I got in again, and this time she got in too.

She tried to stay as far away from me as possible. I reached over, grabbed her waist, and brought her close to me. I didn't care about my reputation right now. All that mattered was that she was safe. I felt her lay her hand in mine, and she became the little spoon. I could still feel her crying. "Shhhhh- Shhhhh." I said trying to calm her down. I could feel her crying all night.

In the morning, I woke up to a finally asleep Y/N. it was only 3 in the morning, so I slipped into my robes, and slipped out of my dorm. I snuck up to Dumbledore's office and knocked on his doors. "Professor Dumbledore sir." I said when he opened the door. "I know I shouldn't be up, but I had to tell you that
Y/L/N won't be in any of her classes today." "And why might that be." He asked. I explained everything that had happened. "Very well. I will let her teachers know." He said. "Oh and Professor, I need to stay with her today." He looked up at me with understanding. "Very well Mr. Malfoy. Thank you." He said.


          I went up to the astronomy tower and felt the urge to jump. I went over the the edge and leaned over. I heard a voice yell "Y/N!" I ignored them and continued to fall. Then I felt a cold hand with cold rings grasp onto my hand. They were trying to pull me up. "Princess please..." I heard the person say. Malfoy. It was Malfoy. "Please. Pull up." He sobbed. "PRINCESS PLEASE! I CAN'T LOOSE YOU TOO!" I then saw red sparks shooting in the sky. I heard Ron say "Malfoy." "Help. Please." Malfoy cried. "Y/N?" Ron said with amazement. I felt Ron's warm hand help Malfoy to pull me up. Once they had pulled me to the balcony, I fell to the floor. Not wanting to feel anything, not wanting to cry.

          I felt Malfoy embrace me. He hugged me tightly and said "Princess..." that snapped me out of whatever emotionless trance that I was in. I felt all of my emotions rush back at once, and allowed a single tear to escape my water filled eyes. "My Slytherin prince." I laughed slightly. "You came after me? After all this time?" I asked. I felt so touched. I felt like we weren't teenagers who were constantly bulling each other. For the first time in 4 years, I felt like we were little kids again. Sitting under the pine tree, playing hide and seek in the Malfoy Manner. "Always." He said crying.

             The thanked Ron then wiped the tears away from my face. "Princess, why would you jump?" He asked. I let down my walls and started crying again. I felt so vulnerable. So weak. "Diggory." I said. "Princess, that's no reason to jump. He's a dumb guy who did a dumb thing. You want to risk your life for that?" He said weakly. "I WANTED TO BREAK HIM HOW HE BROKE ME! I WANTED TO SEE HIS LIFE FILLED WITH REGRET! I WANTED TO SEE HIM LIVE THROUGH PAIN!" I shouted back. I just sat there in silence, and looked down.

             "I'm sorry Malfoy." I said finally. He hugged me tight. "I'm staying with you tonight." He whispered. "What?" I asked. "Come on let's go." He responded as he picked me up and carried me in a piggyback ride to his dorm. I tried to sleep on the floor, but he wouldn't let me. I tried to sleep as far away as possible from him but he wouldn't let me. Instead he pulled me close and spooned me. I let myself cry for the longest time until I felt myself pass out from crying into exhaustion.

Oh dear god. I don't think you understand the pain it took to write this. My goal is to make you cry- so... anyways I hope you enjoyed these Yule ball chapters! Let me know if you cried. I certainly did 😂 ❤️

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