The first task

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                I woke up around 3 in the morning on Sunday. I couldn't sleep. Today was the first task. "What if something went wrong? What if the charm doesn't work?" I wondered. I struck a match and formed a cursive "W" above my head, and ran my finger through the fire. No heat. I went down to the common room, did the charm, and held my breath. I slowly walked into the fireplace, and at most, it felt warm. I let out a sigh of relief, and stepped out.

             I slipped on some cosy sweatpants and a  Gryffindor hoodie and I went up to the astronomy tower, and watched the stars, while finding different constellations. In about 2 hours, I could see people taking the dragons out to the quidditch field. I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around. It was Cedric.

             I beamed at him and giggled. "Ced! What are you doing here?" I asked. He laughed and said "well you're here too silly." "Couldn't sleep either?" I asked. "Nope." We both laid down on the cold floor. I put my head on his chest, warming me up, and giving me butterflies. I looked up at the pink sunrise and said "the view is beautiful up here!" He looked down to me, and gently lifted my chin to face him. "It certainly is." He said as he leaned in. I closed my eyes, and we kissed. "You've been practicing!" I laughed. He grinned and said
"Y/N?" "Ced?" I said in response. "Be my date to the ball?" He asked. I flushed red, and kissed him again passionately. After a few moments, I pulled away. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." I giggled and nodded as I and hugged him close. There it is. There's the butterflies.

               After a couple hours of watching the sunrise, we went back to our dorms and changed into our tournament uniform. It was just a plain tight Gryffindor sweater paired with some leggings. I tied my hair up in a high ponytail, but on some hiking boots, and went down to the tents in the quidditch field. We were instructed to each pull out an item from a small brown bag. Harry pulled first. He pulled out a brown dragon known as the Hungarian horntail. Fleur pulled out a common green welsh dragon. Cedric pulled out a blue Swedish short-snout, and Krum pulled out a lion dragon. That left me. I reached my hand in, and pulled one out. I looked at it in my hand with my mouth gaping. It was a hydra. Three heads, frightening blue, large spiked wings. How was this fair?

               Cedric looked over and gasped when he saw the dragon in my hand. "CEDRIC DIGGORY!" I heard a voice yell. After about 7 minutes, he came back with a large golden egg. He had used transfigurations to transform a rock into a dog. "FLEUR DELACOUR!" Fleur raced out, as I heard the announcer "an excellent use of a sleeping spell!" She had come in in 8 minutes with the same large golden egg. "VICTOR KRUM!" He ran out. "OOOHH and the dragon is blinded! In only 6 minutes!" The announcer yelled. "HARRY POTTER!" Harry raced out. I heard Harry call for his broom. In 6 minutes exactly, he came back in with yet another golden egg. I gulped as I heard my name being called.

                 "Y/N Y/L/N!" The announcer called. I ran out, and saw the hydra. Three heads. I gulped. I used my wand and formed a cursive "W" above my head. I ran past the hydra, as the three heads blew fire at me. I heard the crowd go silent. "AND SHE'S SAFE! AN IMPRESSIVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE FIRE FREEZING CHARM! LADIES AND GENTS, THEY DON'T TEACH THAT UNTIL 7th YEAR!" I kept running to the egg, I saw one of the heads snap at me. It got closer and closer until "DIFFINDO!" I yelled. I saw one head fall to the ground, the ground now soaked with streaming dark red blood. I gasped and watched as two heads grew to replace it. But it was too late, I had already grabbed the golden egg. "EVERYONE! THAT'S A NEW RECORD! Y/N IS IN THE LEAD WITH 4 MINUTES!" I saw people dragging the hydra back with chains so it couldn't reach me. I grabbed the cut head which was now on the floor, and ran to Professor McGonagall. "Professor, can I keep this?" I asked. "I don't see why not." She said. I went back to the tent.


           I couldn't sleep that night. I woke up around 5 in the morning, and headed up to the astronomy tower to sit and watch the sunrise. Just as I walked in, I saw Y/L/N and Diggory snogging. He had just asked her to the Yule Ball. I don't know why, but this had made me angry. I think I was just thinking in a sort of brotherly way. I turned back, and tried to get some sleep.

            A couple hours later, I made my way down to the quidditch field where the first match would be held. I walked in and almost screamed. Dragons. Full sized dragons. "God fucking damn it. Are they trying to kill them on the first task?" I thought. I watched as I saw Potter, Diggory, Delacour, and Krum being called. It was all boring to me. Then they pulled out a hydra. My heart fell to my stomach, and I stopped breathing. "A hydra? For Godric's sake. They really were trying to bloody murder them." Then another thought came to my mind. "If this is the last dragon, And the remaining contestant was..." my thoughts were interrupted by Crouch yelling "Y/N Y/L/N!"

            I watched her race out of the tent with a look of horror on her face. I watched her jaw drop, and I wish that I could have yanked her away from this moment, but I couldn't. I watched her slowly preform some sort of charm. She walked right through the fire, and I couldn't see her anymore. I held my breath with anticipation and bit my lip. The fire was completely engulfing her, and there was no way to tell if she was still alive. I bit harder until I finally saw her walking out. I let out a sigh of relief and I felt something start to drip down my chin. I wiped my lip with my sleeve and saw blood. I muttered a quick spell to heal the wound and continued to watch.

               She was getting closer and closer to the golden egg when one of the hydra's heads snapped at her. "DIFFINDO!" I heard her shout. As the head fell to the floor, two more grew back. But she had already gotten the egg. I was about to clap wildly and congratulate her, when I remembered that my friends were around. So I put on a fake annoyed face, and walked back.

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