Hogwarts Express

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SMUT (not explicit. Like at all. Not in the least)

Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Fred, George, and I went down to the platform. Ron, Hermione, Harry, and I were starting our 5th year. Ron, Hermione and I went to find a booth. We found one and sat down, but were quickly joined by Harry.

"Oh erm- I'm going to go sit with Blaise. I said quickly as I rushed hurriedly out of the booth. I closed the door behind me, and started walking to the back of the train. I found the booth with Blaise and Draco. I slid open the door. They both looked up and saw me and both shifted over to make room. I smiled and sat next to Draco. "Sorry Blaise!" I said grinning. He raised his eyebrows in shock and said " oh finally." I laughed and said "well I decided to take your advice from the ball." I winked at him and he smirked.

"Hey Princess what advice did he give you?" Asked Draco with one of his eyebrows raised. "He told me to just snog you already." I said grinning. "Gladly." Smirked Draco. "Oh get a room." Laughed Blaise.

"Well we're nearing Hogwarts so I should go change." I said. I left the booth and found an empty one to change into my robes. Night had fallen, and I could see Hogwarts in the distance. The black reflective lake, the brightly lit castle.

             We got off the train, and parted ways because I had to sit with the Gryffindors. I found my usual spot next to Hermione and Ron, but decided to instead sit with Fred and George. "Alright there Y/N?" Asked Fred. "Erm- yeah. Just awkward." I said. We listed to Dumbledore give his usual first year speech. We watched as everyone was being sorted into their houses for first year. I looked over to the Slytherin table, and saw plenty of Slytherin girls staring at Draco. He was seemingly uncomfortable especially when the Greengrass sisters started flirting with him. Astoria had her hand on his arm and Daphne was twirling her hair and smiling.

             Dumbledore introduced the new defence against the dark arts teacher, Umbridge, a short toad looking woman from the ministry. When the feast started, I walked over to the Slytherin table. I became slightly insecure. Astoria and Daphne were both much prettier than me. I walked closer to where they were sitting. "So Draco, wanna hang out in the common room later?" Asked Astoria with a flirtatious wink. I heard Draco angrily say "that's Malfoy to you. And I have a girlfriend." She grinned and said "well she's not here. She never has to know." She said. She started rubbing his shoulders. "Turn around bitch." I said. She quickly turned around.

             I saw Draco smile. She laughed. "You have got to be kidding me! You chose an ugly Gryffindor?" Draco sneered to her, and stood up to me. He quickly grabbed my waist and kissed me passionately, to show everyone that I was his. His soft pillowy lips crashed into mine, over and over. I ran my hands through his hair and on the back of his neck. I felt as his hand started to snake down to my butt. I pulled away. "Draco not here." I said blushing. People were staring. Boys from Gryffindor and Slytherin, looking awfully jealous, and girls giving me death stares. I saw Astoria and Daphne astounded and furious. I smiled and winked at them. "Alright." I pulled away from his embrace and he discretely handed me a folded up piece of parchment.

             I went back to the Gryffindor table, smiling to myself at what had just happened. Whenever I touched Draco, or looked into his grey eyes, I couldn't help but blush. The butterflies from the ball had yet to leave my stomach. I approached the Gryffindor table. Hermione was wide eyed with disbelief. "Malfoy?!? Since when?!?" She said. I shrugged and said "since the ball." Ron didn't seem to care, or he didn't see because his face was stuffed with food. Harry looked furious, but I didn't care anyways. I sat next to Fred and George who looked confused, but not angry. I ate some dinner and went up to my dorm.

             I unfolded the note from earlier. "Princess, meet me at the Slytherin common room at 10:00 sharp" I smiled. Hopefully it won't be like last time. I checked the time. 9:30. I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I changed into a black bra, a black sheer shirt, blue jean shorts, and a black leather jacket on top of my shirt. I waited until 9:57 and started walking to the Slytherin common room. "Pureblood" I said to the portrait. It swung open and I saw Draco sitting on the couch wearing his white button down shirt, his Slytherin tie, and black pants.

             I came up from behind him, and kissed the top of his head. He turned around quickly and saw me. "God. How is it possible for you to look that hot." I blushed madly at his remark. He stood up to me and grabbed my hand. We ran up to his room, and he turned to shut the door. He turned back to me and slammed me against the wall. His hands on either side of my head. "This seems familiar doesn't it?" He said smirking. I thought back to the party last year. I smiled and he kissed me. The air started to become thicker between us as we were breathing heavily. I pulled away to take a breath and walked around a little.

             Draco rolled his eyes, and pinned my wrists against the wall. His lips slammed into mine, as we started a fight for dominance. He but my bottom lip lightly and pulled towards him, causing me to open my mouth in surprise. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, exploring each area sensually. I let out a moan in his mouth. Draco started tugging on my jacket. I pulled away immediately. "Draco-"

hey loves! Hehe idk I felt like writing one that was slightly spicy this time. Let me know if you want this story to be more spicy or sweet by commenting! Also please remember to vote if you enjoyed this chapter! Ily!! Baii❤️❤️

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