The Chosen One part 1

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It's been days now since I had broken up with Diggory. I felt I shift. I don't know if the whole universe had just thrown me off course, but I felt out of touch with my body. I felt like I was present, but not really there. I felt like an emotionless slob everyday, just waiting for something. I don't know what that something is yet, but I guess I'll have to find it. Besides, I had more important things to worry about today. Today was the second task. I had been working on my water breathing charm, but it wasn't worked every time.

I put on a dark red and yellow one piece swim suit. I wrapped a towel around my waist, and headed down for breakfast.

I entered the great hall, and felt eyes on me. I sat down to Harry, Ron and Hermione. The problem was that Ron and Hermione weren't there. "Harry? Where's Ron and Mione?" I asked. "I dunno." He responded. I stared at him for a moment. His toned abs were exposed as he was wearing a swimsuit. I quickly snapped out of it, and sat down, as I felt my face get red. I grabbed an apple, and said to Harry "well we'd better be going then."

We made our way down to the lake and sat next to the other contestants. "Morning Fleur, Victor." I said to them. Oh my godric. I could tell that they were as uncomfortable as I was. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Cedric with a blue dislodged nose, and a purple eye. I smirked, and listened to Crouch, our announcer. "THE FIVE CONTESTANTS WILL HAVE TO RESCUE ONE OF THEIR FRIENDS FROM THE MERMAIDS DOWN IN THE LAKE!" He shouted. I gasped. Who did they take for me? "Hermione." I assumed. We all lined up at the edge, and I saw Harry chewing on something. I cast my charm, and saw the rest do some sort of incantation with their wands.

"GO!" I heard Crouch yell. It seemed like Diggory, Fleur, and I all had the same idea of using a bubbleheaded charm. I dove underwater and went the freezing cold water envelope me, as everything went quiet. I saw Harry grow gills and find. "Ah. Gillyweed." I thought. I watched as Krum transformed into a shark.

I started exploring underwater until I saw Moaning Myrtle. I waved to her and she motioned for me to follow her. I could feel the water getting colder as we went deeper. Almost as if my veins were freezing up. I felt my muscles go stiff. I couldn't keep swimming much longer. Then, I saw the people. I seemed to be the first one there. I saw Hermione. Then I saw Malfoy. Ahh. Hermione must be Krum's person. I edged near Malfoy, and started to undo the ties of seaweed that were holding him to a pole. Was he alive? I started to panic as I untangled the knot. I saw his pale body, limp in the water, and his white hair, floating around in a mess. Was he breathing? I finally got the knot untangled. Suddenly, I felt something pulling him back as I was trying to pull him forward.

The mermaids. One with a pitchfork was pulling him back. "Fuck. Y/N. think." Suddenly it hit me. "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. The mermaid froze, and I struggled to unwrap her hand from his arm. Finally I got him released. I kicked up from the ground hard, and saw the water getting brighter as we neared the surface. Once his head was above water, he opened his eyes. "I was your person." He said smirking. "Wonder where they got that dumb idea." He continued. I just rolled my eyes and smiled. We swam to the surface and were pulled up by two people. It was Krum and Hermione. Krum must have won. I got up, and wrapped myself in a tow, finally feeling warmth.

"Y/N WITH 5 MINUTES AND 39 SECONDS!" He yelled. I was followed out by Fleur, but something was wrong. She hadn't brought anyone out. She came out shivering and crying. "My sister is still in there." She sobbed. Soon I saw Diggory come out with Chang. "DIGGORY WITH 6 MINUTES AND 10 SECONDS!" Crouch yelled. I rolled my eyes and slumped back. Soon another minute had rolled by. One minute turned into two, and two turned into three. "Malfoy, I'm worried about Harry." I said as I turned to him. "Oh I'm sure he'll be fine." He responded, obviously not giving a fuck. As the time reached 10 minutes, I finally saw Harry. I was filled with relief, as I saw him swimming towards the deck.

I saw him with not one person, but two. Ron, and a little girl. Me and Fleur rushed to help them up. "POTTER WITH 10 MINUTES!" Crouch shouted. Once we lifted Harry to the surface, Fleur came in to embrace the girl, who I assume was her sister. She gave two proper kisses on Harry's cheeks and said "thank you." He came over to me and said "Y/N-" I broke him off with a kiss. I cupped his cheeks in my hands gently. He was obviously surprised, but soon, he kissed me back. About 10 seconds have passed until I pulled away. "Not bad Potter. Not bad at all chosen one." I winked at him, and walked away, making sure to sway my hips slightly. I looked back quickly, and saw his jaw dropped and his face red.

I tried to walk back to Malfoy, so we could get a warm cup of tea to warm us up, but I saw him get up, and walk away quickly. "That was weird." I thought. I brushed it off, and went back inside the castle.

I got back into my dorm, and took a quick shower. I threw on an oversized sweater and sweatpants, and went down to the common room. There, I saw Harry sitting on the couch. He noticed me walking down, and said "erm- Y/N, can we talk?" "Yea sure what's going on?" I ask as I sit down next to him. "Y/N I really like you. A lot. D-Do you think that we
c-can go on a..." he stuttered, trying to find the right words. "A date?" I asked.

"Yea." He responded. "Okay, when?" I said biting my lip. "Tomorrow, meet me at the astronomy tower at 6:30 pm."I nodded, and leaned over to him. "So it would appear that the chosen one is nervous. Hm?" I whispered to him. He was breathing heavy now. "N-n-no." He said, struggling to get words out. "I know you're obsessed with me." I whispered winking and smirking at him. "What?!?" He said looking flustered. I laughed, leaned away from him, and said "I see how you look at me." "A-and how exactly do I look at you?" He demanded. He gulped nervously. "Like this." I said. I yanked his tie so his face was close to mine. I felt him nervously breathing. I looked down to his lips, and back into his mesmerizing green eyes.

I pulled him even closer, until our lips were millimetres away. I saw him close his eyes. I pushed him back into the couch and started to walk away. "See you tomorrow chosen one." I smirked. I had him wrapped around my finger. I could tell that I wouldn't be out of his mind for a second from now on.

Guys I swear this isn't about Harry Potter 😂 give it time! I'm trying to stretch the story out so it's gradual. Anyways baiiiii ❤️

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