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Some of y'all about to be mad at me😬

"Madelaine would you quit" vanessa groaned trying to move her away from her belly.

"What their my miracle baby" Madelaine said kissing Vanessa stomach once more. "I'm done I'm going to play with my little twin"

"Thank you" Vanessa said pulling her shirt down watching as mads played with Maeve.

"I hope its another girl that looks like me" mads smiled looking at Vanessa.

"Ugh no, I don't want three of you" Nessa groan playfully rolling her eyes.

"Moms just mad that all the children she'll have with look like me"

"What do you mean all the children I'll have...how many kids are you thinking of?"

"A football team" mads smiled picking Maeve swaying her side to side.

"How many is that baby? I need a number"

"Five or six"

"Five or six!!" Vanessa said choking on air. "Ain't no way in hell I'm pushing that many kids out, adoption maybe"

"Really wanted them to be my own blood but I can adopt, how about we adopt a child right now"

"Not now baby let's wait a little before adopting"

"But you just said adopting now you don't want that?" Madelaine questioned placing Maeve in her crib.

"I do it's just I don't want to overwhelm myself with a infant, a unborn, then a toddler"

"I want to adopt since you don't want to have my kids. You don't have to care for the child I will, you can just worry about Maeve and my unborn" Madelaine said walking out the room.

Vanessa sigh sitting up covering up her face crying. After she got finished crying she went to freshen up before changing Maeve's diaper and clothes then packing a baby bag.

She picked Maeve up and grabbed keys and went to her mothers house.

«At sienna's house»

"Vanessa what are you doing here?" Sienna asked seeing her daughter walk in the house.

"Just to see my family" Vanessa fake smiled closing the door. She went up to her room and placed Maeve on the bed.

"Vanessa is everything ok?" Sienna questioned going into her daughters room.

"Yea everything's fine"

"It's ok to tell the true hun. Did something happen between you and Madelaine?"

"No mom everything's ok"


"Fine. She wants about five or six kids and I didn't want to push that many out so I said something about adopting and she wanted to adopt like today and I didn't then we got into a fight and she left" Vanessa confessed tears rolling down her face. "I don't think our relationship is going to work out if I don't get my shit together"

"Oh baby it's ok, it's not your fault. Madelaine just has to realize that she can't have everything she wants"

"I want to give her what she wants though. I want to make her happy but I don't want that many kids"

"Tell her that V she needs to understand that it's a team effort and if someone on that team doesn't want to do something then they shouldn't do it" sienna sighed. "Just because she wants to do something doesn't mean you have too, you are your own person and you can make your own decisions whether she likes it or not"

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