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It's next day, vanessa woke up rubbing her eyes looking around seeing mads on the floor.

She quietly got out of bed and went up to her wanting to move the mask off her face.

Once Vanessa quietly went over to Madelaine she slowly moved her hand but was caught by mads.

"Uhh hey there" vanessa nervously chuckled as Madelaine woke up looking at her. "I was just um moving something off your face"

Madelaine rolled her eyes and let go of Vanessa's arm.

"So its morning and that means breakfast so let's go eat" the brunette said getting up. Mads did the same putting the mask on correctly. "Can you even breathe with that on?" Vanessa asked as they walked to the kitchen.

Madelaine nodded leaning over the counter.

"Really? With that tight mask on" Vanessa huffed. Mads nodded again showing her that it's not tight. "Well can you cook me some pancakes, or if your hungry you could just eat me" Nessa said with a smirk.

Madelaine didn't comment on the remark and just went to the cabinet and grabbed the pancake mix and other stuff she needed and cooked the girls some pancakes.

After cooking the girl some pancakes she got her a plate and put them up there.

"Thanks" vanessa said grabbing the plate from her. Mads went to the cabinets and grabbed the syrup for her.

Vanessa sat at the island and ate her pancakes watching Madelaine clean up her mess.

"I had a dream about you last night and you were showing your face to me, talking to me in the sexy voice I know you have, and making me scream from how good you fucked me" Vanessa said with a smirk. "And it was like that all night, it felt so real"

Mads was a little shocked that the girl said those things but who doesn't when they see her.

"I want to call my father could you get my phone while I finish eating?" The girl asked to which Madelaine nodded to.

She went back to Vanessa's room, grabbed both of their phones then went back to the kitchen.

"Thanks" vanessa smiled. She went to her father's contact name and called him.

"Good morning Vanessa. How's your morning going so far?" Her father said as he answered the phone.

"Good morning pops, my day has been good. Bodyguard cook me pancakes"

"How she's doing"

"I don't know. I can't ask her cause someone doesn't want her talking to me" vanessa said rolling her eyes. 

"It's for her safety vanessa. Plus why do you want her talking to you so bad?"

"Geez I don't know maybe to have someone to talk with when my friends are busy"

"The only way she can talk with you is my writing, bye" her father said before hanging up.

"I'm starting to hate him" vanessa mumbled under her breath. "Ok ginger my father said you can communicate with me through writing so I'll be back with some paper" vanessa said getting off the chair.

She went to the tiny book room and grabbed some paper and a pencil. The brunette went back to the kitchen and looked for Madelaine seeing her sitting at the table in the living room.

"Ok so first question what's your name?" Vanessa asked sitting beside her.


"Whats your real name" vanessa huff.

What if I don't want to tell you

"Fine, how old are you?"


"No way in hell you are thirty!" Vanessa said shocked.

I'm kidding I'm 21 :)

"Oh I'm nineteen about to turn twenty in a few months"

Cool so why do you flirt with me so much, am I that cute;)

"Yes, yes you are, why won't you show me your face?"

As your father said for my safety

"But he said you didn't have to wear it. You can trust me I wouldn't tell anyone"

So you won't tell non of your "new" friends

"No I won't. You can trust me"

Fine only for you to let it go

Madelaine put the pencil down and slowly started to take her mask off.

Vanessa gasp at her prettiness.

"Smile for me please" vanessa asked politely. Mads did showing her pearly white teeth and her dimples. "Wow you are so beautiful, no wonder why my father wanted you to hide your face"

Thanks I appreciate the compliment:)

"You're welcome, now just tell me anything about yourself"

Um well I have two other siblings well i did until my other family put me up for adoption at 15 because i came out to them as lesbian. My new family excepted me and after college I started working for your father as something before I became your bodyguard

"Oh wow I'm so sorry about that. I somewhat feel your pain. My mother divorced my father for the things he does and she took my little brother away cause she didn't want him growing up to act like him. She asked if I wanted to stay with her but I choose to stay with him. I haven't seen them in a year. They both accepted me when I came out a lesbian as well"

I had a sister and a brother before i was put up for adoption, they are both older than me, we still talk to each other from time to time. They were both in the closet so I was the tuff one and came out

"I'm glad you can talk to me about this. You can put your mask back on if you want but I prefer you to keep it off so I can stare at your beauty"

I'll keep it off but when you have company ill but it back on

"Ok um are you hungry?"

No not at the moment

"Ok, so I'm going to go back to sleep since it's 10:13am. Don't wake me because I'll be having sex dreams of us" vanessa said getting up from beside Madelaine and going to her room.

Madelaine shook her head at the comment as she grabbed her mask, the paper and pencil. She went to Vanessa's room and as usual sat in her "favorite" spot.

She was glad to know a little about the girl and wish to know more, that's if her father would let her.

The bodyguard (madnessa story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now