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🛡something good is at the end🛡

"Aw she's adorable" Mila gushed looking at Maeve once Madelaine walked into the house. "She looks just like you"

"I know, my little twin" Madelaine smiled. "I take her back tomorrow, I just wanted her to stay with me for tonight"

"Ok, can I hold her?"

"Yea" mads said handing her daughter to her.

"Hey there cutie" Mila said softly with a smile. Maeve looked at her and started crying. "I'm sorry" she frowned swaying her side to side but that didn't stop her.

"Give her to me" Madelaine said with her arms out. Mila handed her to the redhead and she stopped crying.

"She doesn't like me"

"She just has to get use to being near you"

"I'm going to go play with kasem"

"Ok, I'll be in the room with her"

Mila nodded then went off to Kasems room.

"I'm sorry for not being with you princess" Madelaine said as she placed her daughter on her bed. "I promise I'll be with you forever"

Maeve looked around then at Mads making baby noises. She began to start whining when Mila walked in the room.

"I guess she thinks your gonna take her away from me" Madelaine said looking at Mila as she got her phone charger.

"I'm not gonna take you sweetheart" Mila smiled which made Maeve start to cry again. "Sorry again" she said rushing out the room.

"It's ok Maeve she's gone" Madelaine said picking her up swaying her side to side but she kept crying. She tried the pacifier but nothing.

Madelaine sighed grabbing her phone and facetiming Vanessa. The phone ranged for a few until Vanessa answered it.

"What wrong?" She asked propping up her phone.

"Maeve won't stop crying so I thought calling you was the solution"

"Ok show me to her please"

Madelaine did and Maeve soon stop once she heard Vanessa's voice.

"Thank you" Madelaine smiled turning the phone back to look at her.

"No problem"

"What are you doing?"

"Try to fix me something to eat"

"Oh" Madelaine said admiring Vanessa's body. She quickly stopped before she could think of anything sexual.

"What are you doing...is the girl there with you?"

"Yea..shes hanging out with kasem..Maeve cries when she's near"

Vanessa tried to hold in her laugh as she got something out of the cabinet above her.

"Well that's not good"

"Yea I know....she probably think someones gonna take her from me"

"Well you should get to her then" Vanessa said eating some of the food she made.

"No I'm good with talking to you" Madelaine smiled which made a little smile show on Vanessa face.

"You don't have anything else to do?"

"No" Mads said laying her phone down to pick Maeve up to lay her on her chest. "Just us two for right now" the redhead said picking the phone back up.

"Ok, remember what I said...there better not be a scratch on her"

The bodyguard (madnessa story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now