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Two months

Vanessa was waddling everywhere in the house. Madelaine was over to playing with Maeve and also stay the night.

"Vanessa why don't you go sit down I know your feet hurt" Madelaine said watching Vanessa walk out of the kitchen.

"I'm good"

"Nessa come here please" Madelaine politely asked.

"What" vanessa sassed standing beside her.

"Don't act like that now sit down" mads said tapping her legs.

"But my-our child is in you arms"

"Just sit down woman, you aren't going to crush her"

"Fine" vanessa huffed sitting on Madelaine's lap.

"I just wanted to tell you me and my now ex girlfriend broke up"

"But you still live with her"

"Yea but we don't share the same room anymore we barely talk"

"You live in the same house what do you mean y'all barely talk?" Vanessa asked confused.

"I'm always upstairs and she's downstairs"

"Alright but if I find out your lying she'll die and your dick will be cut off" vanessa smiled getting up taking Maeve away from Madelaine.

"I promise ok...I did that because I wanna be with you" Madelaine truthfully said. Vanessa looked her in the eyes for any lies but couldn't find any.


"Now cuddles?"

"No, it's my daily nap time with Maeve"

"But you like cuddles" Madelaine frowned following Vanessa up to her room.

"Fine" vanessa groaned.

"Great" Madelaine smiled laying on the bed.

"We need to come up with some names" Vanessa said laying Maeve close to Madelaine before getting on the bed.

"How about Madelaine jr"

"Uh no, has to start with a V"

"Victoria" Madelaine suggested.

"No too plain think of something else"


"Im not naming my child after a holiday" vanessa stated shaking her head as she laid back.

"Well that's all I can come up with" Madelaine shrugged.

"Pick between Vierra, Vaylyn, or Vandelaine" Vanessa suggested.

"Ooo I like Vandelaine sound cool"

"It's our names combined stupid" Vanessa chuckled.

"How about Vandelaine Vierra Petsch" Madelaine smiled.

"Morgan" Vanessa corrected.

"Why Morgan and not my last name"

"Cause Maeve's last name it Morgan, I wanna keep it the same"

"Oh ok, I'm understand" mads smiled placing her hand on Nessa's stomach.

"So do you wanna get back with me or..."

"Yes baby I do" Madelaine smiled kissing Vanessa on the forehead. Vanessa smiled back before going to sleep.

Birth time🥳

Ah the day of the birth. Vanessa is trying everything she came to make her baby girl come.

"Vanessa she'll come when she wants" Julia laughed.

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