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"I have to go" Vanessa said handing Eleanor her phone then got up and put some pants on then grabbed her keys.

"Be safe" Eleanor said watching Vanessa leave out the room.

"I will" the girl said going to get her phone out of Mads room.

The brunette walked out the house and to the car Madelaine lets her drive and drove to her old house.

Once she got there she got out the car and went in the house.

"Madelaine" she called out.

"Your room" Mads said back. Vanessa went to her old room and seen mads sitting on the bed and Miguel and Carter standing beside her.

"It looks like he was never here, I told you, you should've taken care of this last night" Vanessa said hitting Madelaine on the shoulder.

"I didn't think i'd be a problem then"

The brunette groaned running her hand through her hair.

"There's no way this guy can still be alive right?" Miguel questioned.

"No, we watched as blood came from underneath him"

"The hospital is calling me" Vanessa said pulling her ring phone out of her pocket. "'Sh I'm going to put it on speaker" she said answering the phone.

"Hello is this Vanessa Morgan?"

"Yes ma'am it is"

"We are calling to let you know your father Zane Morgan was brought to the ER last light from a gunshot wound to his lower stomach. He's been paralyze from the shot, he can't walk anymore. He's doing fine as of right now but if you would like to visit him you can"

"May I asked who brought him to the hospital?"

"A lady named Jade Adam. Do you know her?"

"No I don't, maybe she his new girlfriend. He never mention her but thanks for the information"

"Your welcome, have a nice day" the lady on the phone said.

"You do the same" Vanessa said before hanging up the phone. She looked at Madelaine with a mixture of a sad and mad expression. "He should've fucking died. If you took care of this yesterday he would've been six feet under" The brunette said to Mads.

"We'll give you two some time" Cater said as he left out the room with Miguel following closing the door behind him.

"This is you fault" Vanessa said pushing Madelaine as she stood up.

"My fault! If YOU never came here we wouldn't have this problem"

"I wanted him to see his granddaughter"

"But you should've told me that Vanessa, that's your problem you won't tell me shit that could get you hurt"

"Cause sometimes I need to face things on my own"

"By also putting my daughter life on the line as well vanessa"

'I didn't want that to happen Madelaine. I didn't want to hurt my own daughter" The brunette said tears forming in her eyes.

"But you did. I could've lost you and Maeve and do you know how that would feel losing someone you care so much about"

"Yes when you got shot" Vanessa said as tears steamed down her face.

"I'm done here, I'm goin back home" Madelaine said walking out the room.

"Need a ride back?" Miguel asked.

The bodyguard (madnessa story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now