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So the family is finally ready to go to Miami. Right now they are at the airport putting everything on the plane.

"What about the cars?" Vanessa questioned.

"They'll send them on a truck"

"Ok" Vanessa nodded getting on the jet. Madelaine got on as well seeing her family all buckled in.

The brunette patted right beside her with a smile. Mads chuckled sitting beside her.

"I was going to sit beside you regardless"

"Attention family, we are taking off, thanks for flying with us today" the pilot said over the speakers. "We should be in Miami in four hours"

"Eee! I'm excited!" Vanessa cheered looking out the window watching as the jet started moving.

"This is your first time on a jet isn't it?"

"Yep, a private one at that" Vanessa smiled. 

"Well It'll be fun" Madelaine said grabbing Maeve from her and cuddling with her.

4 hours later

The family is now in Miami and pulling up at Vanessa's moms house.

Madelaine was nervous to meet them even though she had nothing to worry about.

"Hey you ok?" Vanessa asked grabbing her hand.

"Yea, just nervous to meet your mom and brother"

"You have nothing to be nervous about" Vanessa said unlocking the door.

"Mother!!" She yelled slightly.

"Vanessa!!" Sienna cheered coming downstairs and running to her daughter. "And you brought the family! Hi I'm sienna, Nessa mother, it's so nice you meet you all"

"I'm Eleanor and these two are Emma and Amelia" Madelaine's mom introduced.

"You two are adorable"

"What do you say" Eleanor whispered.

"Thank you" Amelia and Emma said in sync.

"If you want you can go to your new home, everything should be in there" Madelaine said looking at her mother.

"Yea, these two look tired"

"Here's the money, the car should still be outside"

"See you two later" Eleanor smiled. "It was nice meeting you"

"Nice to meet you as well" sienna smiled. "You must be Madelaine. Vanessa talked about you a lot"

"No you talked about her a lot" Nessa said crossing her arms.

"Only for you to tell her about my little Maeve"

Mads stood there laughing at the two go back and forth.

"It's ok if you talked about me a lot vanessa"

"But I was- never mind is Theo here"

"Yea up in his room"

"Come on" the brunette said fanning mads to follow her.

"It was great to talk with you" she said to sienna as she follow vanessa.

"Hey Theo"

"Sis!" Theo smiled taking his headphones off and getting off the bed. "Is this Madelaine? The one you talked about a lot"

"See even your brother says you talk about me a lot" mads chuckled.

"Well I want to let them know how much of a caring person you are"

The bodyguard (madnessa story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now