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It's been a couple hours. Maeve woke up from her sleep crying which made Vanessa groan.

"Aww it's going to be ok" Vanessa said picking her up feeling that her diaper was heavy. "Crying cause of a diaper change"

Vanessa went in the closet and grabbed the baby bag and put it on the floor. She grabbed a towel and laid it out before picking up Maeve and sitting her on it.

She changed her but she just kept crying. The brunette grabbed a pacifier and put in her mouth but Maeve refused to let her. Vanessa picked her up and swayed her side to side as she started to breastfeed her but she refused that as well.

The bedroom door opened which made vanessa jump and fix herself.

"I-I'm sorry for her cries w-waking you up" Vanessa said seeing that it was Madelaine.

Mads said nothing and sat beside Vanessa and took Maeve from her. The baby stop crying which surprised both of the girls.

"Didn't think me taking her would work" Mads whispered wiping away the baby's tears.

She seen that the baby did look like her somewhat.

"Thank you" Vanessa said cleaning up the floor.

"You're welcome. Just one thing vanessa is she really mines?"

"Yes. I got too scared to tell you. My mom keep telling me everyday to tell you that I was having your child but I wouldn't cause I thought you could've tracked me from that" Vanessa whispered.

"I missed everything Vanessa. The gender reveal, her birth. You could've told me. I wouldn't tell anyone else" Madelaine said looking down at the baby. "I would've loved watching your progression"

"I'm sorry I was just scared and nervous to say before I left cause I thought you would've told me to get an abortion or say that you wouldn't support me. Then my mom called saying she wanted to see me and I couldn't say no"

"So you didn't sleep with any other guy or girl?"

"No, I was to afraid of going outside cause I thought I'd bump into you"

"What's her name?"

"Maeve Madelyn Morgan"

"You named her after me" Mads smiled.

"Yea, I had to"

"I'm going to go to bed. Um mind if I take her with me"

"No not at all, maybe she can sleep all night with you"

"Ok, I promise I won't hurt her" Madelaine said getting up.

"I know you wouldn't, goodnight"

"Goodnight" mads said walking out the room.

"Wait! Here take this" Vanessa said handing the redhead the baby bag.

"Thanks" Madelaine said taking the bag from her. She went to her room and laid Maeve on her bed. "Never in my life did I think I'd have a child" she whispered to herself.

Maeve moved her hands to her mouth and sucked on them.

"No eating your tiny fingers" Mads said moving the baby's hands away from her mouth.

Maeve starting cooing which surprised Madelaine.

"Are you talking back young lady" The redhead said grabbed Maeve's feet.

The baby smiled which made Madelaine smile.

"Well it's time to go to sleep" the redhead said getting on the bed beside her daughter putting her on her chest.

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