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Well vanessa got destroyed. She can barely move.

"Need some help" Madelaine said coming out of the bathroom. Vanessa didn't respond and looked up at the ceiling. "Vanessa?" The redhead questioned going to her side.

"I-you ruin me"

"I'd do it again, now come on so you can take a shower" mads said helping Vanessa up.

"What will your mom think if we go downstairs. She'll hate me" the brunette said starting to panic.

"Shh Nessa no shes not" the redhead said helping the girl to the bathroom.

"Are you getting in with me?"

"No I already took my bath" Madelaine said sitting vanessa in the tub.

"Feels weird being in a tub in the morning"

"Well you asked for morning sex so" Madelaine shrugged.

"It's not all my fault, it's yours too"

"I know and also that was are only time"

"Noooo" vanessa whined splashing the water.

"Well I thought you didn't like dick" mads questioned grabbing Vanessa's rag off the counter.

"I like yours please don't let this be our last"

"Well I wanna kept my job"


"You're being selfish vanessa you want me to actually risk my job to have sex with someone I'm not really supposed to be talking to?"

"Yes" vanessa whispered but said "Fine, well could you get out cause I don't like you looking at me naked" loud.

"But we just- never mind just call me when you need help getting out" Madelaine said walking out the bathroom. She went to sit on the bed at wait.

After about twenty minutes vanessa called out for Madelaine.

The redhead got up from the bed and grabbed the clothes she picked out for the girl then walked in the bathroom.

She helped Vanessa stand to her feet which she did, just a little wobbly.

"Your towel" Madelaine said giving it to her.

"Not going to dry me off yourself?"

"Nope you look strong enough, I'll just be in the corner if you need me" the redhead said going to the left corner.

Vanessa mumbled some stuff under her breath as she dried herself off.

"Stop staring at me" Vanessa said wrapping the towel over herself.

"Awww are you mad that I don't want to risk my job for sex"

"No now help me out then get out again"

Madelaine rolled her eyes as she went to the girl and help her out.

"You're Welcome princess crybaby" she said before walking out the bathroom.

"I'm not a crybaby" Vanessa whined. She dropped her towel then put her undergarments on then the clothes Madelaine picked out.

She slowly but surely made her way out of the bathroom after putting her towel in the dirty clothes.

"Yikes you have a bad limp"

"What do you expect? This was my first time and you are too big"

"That is true and that's why no more sex for you"

"But.." vanessa pouted.

"Stop being a baby, you can use your fingers" Madelaine said standing up.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room for a nap"

"You can nap in here" vanessa whispered rocking her body side to side.

"I don't want to be in your way so I'll sleep in my room" the redhead said going to the door opening it then leaving.

Vanessa sadly limped her way to the bed and laid down and FaceTime Rachell.

"Hey Vanessa!!!" Rachell screamed.

"Shh bitch"

"Hon where are you, I came to your house to surprise you last night and you weren't there? Did you sneak off" Rachell said with a shocked face.

"No I'm actually at my bodyguards house and girl we have a lot to discuss about"

"Spill cause how"

"Ok so my father wanted me to pack a suitcase and then told me I was going to my bodyguards house and girl I jumped up in a heart beat. Im in love with her house and her family. I'm not going to get into that for her privacy but um we..."

"Y'all what?! Did y'all do the deed?!" Vanessa's friend said interested.


"You did!!!! I promise not to tell" Rachell said zipping her lips. "What if your father finds out?"

"He won't. I'm so addicted to her Rachell and it's hurting me cause I know she doesn't like me"

"Well you're just going to have to deal with that" Rachell shrugged.

"Yea, I just wanted to tell you that"

"You can always get to know her more"

"I know, I'm gonna go and probably watch tv"

"Oh before you go Camila is throwing a party tonight at eight, ask your bodyguard if you can come"

"Ok I will, see you tonight hopefully"

"Bye!!" Rachell said before hanging up.

Vanessa groaned and turned the tv on.

She watched that for a few then got off the bed and limped her way to Eleanor's room.

Nessa knocked on her door to get her attention.

"Hey Vanessa!"

"Hey, I was wondering what I could eat in your kitchen. I don't want to mess with something im not"

"Oh darling you can have anything in there you don't have to ask me" Eleanor said sitting up from her bed.

"Oh..ok, I didn't want to touch anything without asking" vanessa said with a smile.

"Go have a ball in there" the older lady chuckled.

"Ok, thanks" Vanessa said before limping off to the kitchen. She grabbed a can soda and a small bag of chips.

The brunette went up to her room and ate the chips and drunk her soda.

After awhile she went looking for Mads. She seen her in the gym punching a punching bag.

"Go easy" vanessa said walking closer to the girl.

Madelaine stopped and looked at her.

"You want something so what is it"

"My friend is throwing a party-"

"No" mads said wiping off the sweat on her face.

"Please Madelaine pretty please with a cherry on top" Vanessa pouted.

"When is this party"

"At eight"

"Fine but only for about forty five minutes"

"Yay!!" Vanessa cheered jumping on mads.

"Get down, I'm trying to workout" the redhead said getting the girl off her.

"Thank you!" Vanessa said before limping out the room.

Madelaine rolled her eyes and continued to workout.

I would like to say I have a very interesting idea in mind for this story but I'm going to have to do a time jump. Not in the next chapter but maybe the next one after that and you guys/girls/ theys will be mad at me.

Also how do y'all like the new Apple emoji? These are my favorites 🥲🥷🏽👰🏽‍♂️🤵🏽‍♀️🏳️‍⚧️🤵🏽

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