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Couple weeks went by. Remember Madelaine promising that she's changed? Well she broke it.

She kept getting mad at Vanessa for the littlest things, not showing her any affection/attention, not even to Maeve.

Mads been hanging with kasem, forgetting all about her daughter and Vanessa.

Vanessa was sick of being pushed around especially when she's pregnant. She cried at least twice a day because of Madelaine actions and she was now sick of it.

"Madelaine....Madelaine" she called out to mads seeing her on the couch playing with kasem. "Madelaine!"

"She calling you mom" kasem said pointing at Vanessa. Madelaine sighed getting up looking at Vanessa.


"Can we talk....please"

"Fine" she groaned following Vanessa into a room. "What's the problem?"

"You your the fuckin problem. What has gotten into you? What happened to I'm gonna change? I'm sick and tired of you pushing me around and not showing me any love...not even Maeve WHO IS YOUR DAUGHTER!" Vanessa started as tears formed in her eyes. "Do you not realize your causing me stress? I'm pregnant Madelaine with your child and your doing all this shit to me. Do you not like me anymore? If so can you just fuckin leave cause I'm sick and tired of your actions and you putting me down" vanessa sobbed.

Madelaine walked out the room and to the bedroom and began to pack her belongings and kasem's.

After a few of packing everything she left with kasem. Vanessa fell to the floor crying her eyes out.

Eleanor seen her daughter walking to her car with bags so she got her daughters and went to check on Vanessa.

"Girls go to the play room ok" Eleanor said to them hearing Vanessa's cries in the living room.

They went off and she quickly went to her.

"She left me..I-I'm alone" Vanessa sobbed as Eleanor tried to help her to her feet.

"You are not alone vanessa, stand up"

"Yes I am" Vanessa cried moving Eleanor hands off her.

Eleanor knew she couldn't do this alone so she quickly called sienna to help.

Not even five minutes sienna pulled up with Theo and they quickly went into the house.

"Vanessa" sienna frowned seeing her daughter crying on the floor.

"She won't let me help her" Eleanor sighed.

Sienna went to Vanessa grabbed her hand feeling her shaking.

"Vanessa honey"

"I'm alone.." Vanessa sobbed as her breathing became unsteady.

"Sis breath" Theo said kneeling beside her.

She couldn't and all of a sudden her vision went black.

«few hours later»

Vanessa woke up in a hospital bed to the sound of beeping.

"She's up" Theo said going to his sisters side.

"How are you feeling?" Sienna asked going to her side as well.

"I-I'm ok" she groaned. "W-what happened?"

"You fainted from your breathing not being steady and crying"

"My baby! Maeve! Where's maeve!?" Vanessa said sitting up scared.

"Lay back down V. She's ok Eleanor is watching her"

"W-what about my unborn" Vanessa said putting her hands on her stomach.

"Unborn?! You're pregnant again!"

"Y-yes..please tell me their ok"

"We'll have to see once the nurse comes in"

Vanessa laid back hoping and praying whatever happened it didn't make her lose her baby.

Few minutes went by the nurse came in to check up on Nessa.

"Hello there I'm Ms.Vicky" the nurse introduced going up to Vanessa. "How are you feeling?"

"My baby please tell me my baby is ok" Vanessa said tears threatening to fall down her face.

"Ok, I'll um be back with the baby stuff to check and see" Ms. Vicky said going out the room.

"Vanessa how long have you been pregnant?" Sienna asked.

"Five weeks"

"Five and you didn't want to tell us" sienna frowned.

"Is it ma-" Theo began to say but his mother cover his mouth and shook her head.

"Yes it's hers" vanessa nodded knowing what he was going to say.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"Because I wanted to surprise you two and Eleanor and now I can't because I don't even know if I'm still pregnant or not"

"It's going to be ok sis" Theo assured going to hug his sister.

"I'm back with the baby stuff" the nurse said coming in the room and to Vanessa's open side and connected everything that needed to be connected. "Everything seems to be ok Ms.. your baby is ok. You just gotta eat a little more"

"Thank you" Vanessa sighed in relief.

"So you can leave tomorrow...the other nurses don't want you leaving on the same day you fainted...we want to make sure it doesn't happen again"


"So get some rest...Are you hungry?"

"A little"

"I'll go and get her something to eat" Theo said grabbing his mothers keys and leaving, knowing where to go.

"If you need anything else hit that button right there and I'll come back in here to help"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome hon" Ms. Vicky smiled before walking out the room.

"Why can't I just have a healthy relationship" Vanessa whispered to herself laying on her side.

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