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"Pretty sure I just seen Vanessa" Madelaine said to Rachell.

"Where?!" The girl said looking around.

"She went to the left"

"Ok well let's buy your sisters their bathing suits then we can go that way"

"Ok, this is there size, get a one piece they are not old enough for a two piece yet" Madelaine said picking out a bathing suit for her sisters.

"Why? Just curious"

"They're only six and five and then you got the perverts that be around and look at them funny"

"Yea, I wouldn't want my sisters walking out like that at that age even if I had a brother"

"I'm very overprotective of them, that's why I made them stay with my mom cause I can't trust people now and days" Madelaine says picking out a bathing suit for both of her sisters.

She went to the checkout spot and payed for the stuff.

"Ok now let's go see if that was Vanessa" Rachell said as they walked out the store.

They both went to the escalator.

"One thing aren't you supposed to wear a mask outside?"

"No, that's only when Vanessa is with me"

"Oh, I'm just gonna say it but I can see you two together" the dirty blonde said with a smile as they got off the escalator.

"It would ruin my job..well more ruin than it already is" Madelaine said shaking her head as she looked in every store they walked past.

"But y'all would be cute..fuck what her father says love is love and if he can't handle you dating her then oh well. You've been around her for the longest to realize everything she likes" Rachell said rolling her eyes.

"I know believe me. If I could I might actually would" Madelaine shrugged. "Is that her right there in the green shirt and black joggers?"

"Noo I don't think so, Vanessa has blonde highlights she has pink"

"Well maybe she dye it to another color for a disguise"

"I don't think Vanessa would actually do something like that. Well she might've if she probably know we're here" Rachell said sitting down at the bench.

"Let me guess that photo you took of the clouds you posted on you Instagram story" Madelaine said crossing her arms.


"Rachell are you serious" mads whispered yelled.

"I'm sorry! I have a habit of posting on my story" Rachell frowned.

"Quit it"


Vanessa looked off into the distance and seen Madelaine and Rachell talking.

"Mom I feel uncomfortable" vanessa said looking down at her stomach. She grabbed the sides of the shirt and moved them back to see her belly.

"They aren't going to recognize you Vanessa. It's going to be ok" Theo said coming to her side and hugging her.

Vanessa looked in the girls direction and seen that they were leaving.

She let out a sigh of relief.

"I still think you should've talked with them but it's not my choice to decide" sienna said as she watched them leave as well.

"I just don't trust it" vanessa said shaking her head.

"Is one of them the other mom to your baby" sienna whispered to her daughter.

"Yes, the redhead"

"Wow that baby will have some nice genes. She very beautiful"

"I know" Vanessa blushed. "Ok-um-let's go in the stores you would like to go in"

"And the baby store" Theo said placing his arm around Vanessa's shoulder. "I want to get a few things for my niece or nephew"

"Ok" sienna smiled. "Any store you want to go in" she said to Vanessa.

"No im good, I'll just follow you two" Nessa smiled.


They all went to about five different stores buying clothes and baby neutral things for Vanessa.

"Ok we can go now, my feet are starting to hurt" sienna said looking at her children.

"And that it's almost nighttime"

"Really!?" Vanessa said shocked.

"Yes, it's five eleven pm" Theo said looking at the time.

"Wow, let's go then" Vanessa said walking to the exit. Her mother and brother followed going to the car.

They put everything in the trunk then went home.


After going to the beach for a few mads family and Rachell went back to the hotel. At the moment Rachell and mads are chilling in her room.

"Oh boy it's Vanessa's dad" Madelaine groaned as she grabbed her ringing phone.

"He's going to be piss" Rachell said putting her phone down.

"I know" Madelaine said before answering. "Hello"

"Where the fuck are you? I come to your house and nobody's fucking here?"

"I went out of state"

"You left los angles and went somewhere...DO YOU NOT FUCKING REALIZE THAT MY DAUGHTER IS STILL MISSING" the man yelled.

"I left because her friend said she might be with her mother in another state so we went"

"If you don't find my daughter you're dead" the man said before hanging up.

"Then I guess I'm dead" Madelaine sighed placing her phone down.

"We'll find her and plus he doesn't know where we are"

"Oh yes he does, he always does" mads said rolling her eyes.


"Uhhh guys your father is calling me" sienna said worried.

"What!? I thought you changed your number" Theo said getting off the couch.

"D-do I answer it?"

"No you don't answer it" vanessa said getting up.

Sienna let the phone go to voicemail but once it did he called again.

"I don't think he's going to stop calling unless I answer it"

"Ugh answer it then, we'll be quiet" vanessa said rolling her eyes.

"H-hello" sienna said answer the phone and putting it on speaker.

"Where the fuck is my daughter" the man said with anger in his voice.

"How should I know, doesn't she still live with you?"

"Cut the bullshit sienna is my daughter with you"

"No Zane she's not"

"Don't lie to me, Where. The. Fuck. Is. My. Daughter"

"I-I don't know, I haven't talked to her in a year"

"Alright then I know you're lying but ok" the man said before hanging up.

"Wish his mother swallowed him instead" vanessa groaned.

"But I wouldn't have you two" sienna said looking at her children.

"Yeaa....I just hate how he treats women"

"We all do" Theo sighed.

So I'm doing a lot of time jumps because I'm ready to get to the drama while I can still picture it in my head😂 so don't hate me cause the next chapter will be a time jump to the gender reveal then the next will be when she gives birth😄👍🏽

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