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The birth!

Vanessa can pop any second now. Her babygirl was on the way.

"Mom tell your granddaughter to stop kicking" Vanessa whined.

"She doesn't listen to her grandma"

"Uhhhh" the girl groaned as she twisted and turned on the couch.

"Honey do you need me to take you to the hospital?" Sienna said getting up. She didn't like how her daughter was acting.

"No mom I'm pre-" Vanessa said getting up off the couch cause she had a strange urge to pee. "um either my water just broke or I accidentally peed myself" the girl said looking at her pants.

"Go to the bathroom while I get you some new clothes" Sienna said before rushing off to Vanessa's room. The brunette listen to her mother and went to the bathroom.

She groaned as she leaned over the counter and grab her stomach.

"MOOM" She yelled out. Sienna quickly came in the bathroom with change of clothes. "It was my water that broke...we have to go"

"Ok let's get you to the car" Sienna said grabbing a towel then quickly helped Vanessa to the car. She placed the towel on the seat then help her daughter in. "Ill be back with our things"

Only thing Vanessa could do was nod. The brunette groaned again as she started to feel another contraction.

"Oh no" Vanessa groaned as she felt the baby coming.

"Ok I'm back let's go" Sienna said getting in the driver seat and starting the car.

"Mom I feel her coming!" Vanessa cried.

"Oh fuck let's get you to the hospital before you have her in the car" Sienna said driving fast to the hospital.

After four minutes on the road they made it to the hospital. Sienna quickly helped her daughter out of the car and into the building.

"Baby she has on way" Sienna said out of breath.

"My baby is coming" Vanessa cried. The nurse at the front called for some other nurses. Few seconds later three ladies showed up with a stretcher and helped Vanessa up there. They pushed her to the closest room with Sienna following.

"Alright ma'am I'm going to place this blanket over you then im going to take you lower clothes off" One nurse said putting gloves on as other connected an iv to Vanessa.

Vanessa respond with a nod as she placed her hand on her stomach. The nurse did what she said she was gonna do. Vanessa cried as she felt her daughter nearing.

"Ok start pushing for me, I can see the head" The nurse said. Sienna grabbed her daughters hand.

Vanessa closed her eyes shut and pushed then stopped for a breather.

"That was a good push. Whenever you're ready push again"

Vanessa took a few deep breaths then pushed again as hard as she could.

"There she is" Sienna said as cries filled the room. The nurse gave Vanessa some tissue to wipe away her tears.

She thanked them and watched as they cleaned off her daughter.

"Here's your baby girl for skin to skin contact" The nurse said handing Vanessa her baby. The brunette cried slightly looking at her daughter. She looked just like Madelaine with the ginger hair.

"Lets get some clothes on her and get the certificate"

Vanessa gently handed her daughter to the nurse and watched as she got everything done and answered questions the lady asked.

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