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Lets just say vanessa finally gets some😏
«next morning»

Madelaine overslept and when she realized she quickly got out of bed and went downstairs.

"I cooked this time" Eleanor said placing her sisters plates in front of them.

"Im sorry I overslept mom" she said rubbing her hands on her face.

"It's fine baby, you needed a break from cooking anyways" mads mom said placing her hand on her daughters shoulder. "Go sit down and eat"

Madelaine nodded and went to sit in her regular spot which was beside Vanessa.

Eleanor went to sit down and saw and felt the awkwardness between vanessa and her daughter.

"Are you guys ok?" She questioned.

"Yes ma'am, just a little tired" vanessa said cutting up her pancake.


"Just tired"

Eleanor wanted to know why they were being so awkward, she didn't like that at all.

Time went by and Madelaine's in the kitchen drying off the dishes she just washed when Vanessa came to her side.

"Can you take me to get some birth control pills?" She asked looking out the window.

"Why? You don't like dicks so what's the point" Madelaine said rolling her eyes. Vanessa sighed looking down.

"I'm sorry for last night Madelaine is it? Pretty name...anyway I didn't mean to act like that. I was surprised that a woman could even have a penis" Vanessa said looking at mads.

"It's call intersex. Most people don't know about us, it's a low chance of getting it" Madelaine said drying off the last off the dishes.

"Will you be my first?" Vanessa whispered. Madelaine shrugged. "Then can you take me to get birth control pills?"

"Fine go put your shoes on" the redhead said looking at Vanessa.

The girl nodded then went to her room. Madelaine went to her moms room to tell her she was taking Vanessa to the store then to her own room to put her shoes on.

"Are you ready?" Madelaine asked going to Vanessa's room.

"Yea" the girl said getting up off the bed. She grabbed her phone and purse then followed Madelaine to her car.

"I'm taking you to your doctor not the store for pills" the redhead said getting in the car.

"Ok" vanessa said doing the same. "You have a nice car by the way"

"Thanks" mads said starting the car. She waited a few for the car to calm down then went to the doctors.

After about a fifteen minute drive they made it to Vanessa's doctor.

"Ms. Vanessa it's great to see you" Vanessa's doctors said coming out of her room.

"Hey Mrs. Harry I came to get some birth control pills, do you have any?"

"Of course we do, you two stay right here and I'll be back with them"

"Ok" vanessa nodded. She looked at Madelaine and saw she was staring everyone down that walked past.

"Here the pills" Mrs. Harry said coming back to Vanessa and Madelaine.

The redhead pulled out her wallet then her card and held it out for the doctor to take.

"Oh no need to pay, first time using pills are free but when you need a refill that's when it'll cost but you only have to take one a month" the doc explained.

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